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Saturday, November 20, 2010


I want to talk about gossip shows. Spain is one of the main manufacturer countries of this kind of shows. There are some channels which spend all the time talking about celebrities and their love affairs. For instance “TELECINCO” is one of them. They use people like Belen Esteban ( former girlfriend of one famous bullfighter ) to get a lot of people watching their shows. They use another shows like “Big Brother” to talk about contestants and their behaviour inside the house. This Quiz Show is over twelve people living together in a big and luxury house for three months. They spend every day smoking, lying down all the time on the sofa talking about stupid things, or having sex each other into their bedrooms. Interesting show, good example for young people.

Another channel in Spain called “ANTENA 3 “ , has this kind of shows too. There is a talk show named “ The Diary “ that Sandra Daviú ( her hostess ) interview common people, not famous, and they tell silly problems about their life. One gay is going to reveal his secret to his parents. One girl is in love of her cyber-boyfriend and she is meeting him. One man is going to ask her soul mate to marry him live. Things like that.

Both channels battle to get the best audience rating through what in spain is called “Pink Press” . The most sad thing is many people watch those shows. Even they admire people like “Belen Esteban” , “Eugenia Martinez de Irujo” or “Isabel Pantoja” . Their contributors tell lies every day and shout each other. Some of them are: “Lidia Lozano” , “Mila Ximenez” , “Jorge Javier Vazquez” , “Coto Matamoros” , “Maria Patiño” , “Jesús Mariñas” etc … They tell about their work like they would be journalist. However they are not journalists. They have a job, but that is not journalism. They have not ethic, neither proud nor dignity. They and famous people who use them to earn money are “the garbage of Spain” . They cause a lot of problems in young people like “anorexia” , “drugs problems” or “scholastic failure” .

If you would have the chance, would use “Pink Press” to earn money? Would you like to be a celebrity? Would you prefer to be contributor of a gossip show? Let me know.

Belen Esteban

Sandra Daviu Diary