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Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today is time to talk about music. I couldn’t overlook on this blog the most important music group in my life. This group is called: “Ska-P” . The style is ska-punk and this group has taught me a lot since it was created in nineteen ninety four in Vallecas, a humble neighbourhood in Madrid. The two first years were hard because they were not popular and their first record didn’t get good sales. However the second one made them very famous and it reached the first positions in the charts. They also became famous for their spectacular concerts where transmitted very much energy and audience enjoyed a lot singing and dancing their songs. “El vals del obrero” (worker’s waltz) was very famous because many people felt identified. Letter talked about exploitation over workers, which is something very common at least in Spain. “Cannabis” was the most successful song on that record. They asked for marijuana legalization, which was supported by many potheads. After releasing the third record “Eurosis” they started their first international tour around France, Italy, Argentina and Mexico. All of their concerts took place in packed Stadiums. In Italy they set a record performing for more than ten thousand people. From 2000 - 2004 they are already a well-known international group and did another tour around Hungary, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, UK, Ireland, Greece, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay and Colombia among others. Since 2005 to 2007 they set a break because they felt overwhelmed because of so much work. Many fans feared it was the end of the group. They asked with much strength the Ska-P’s return through the Internet. In 2007 they came back with the same energy with the record “Lágrimas y gozos” (tears and pleasure).
All their songs are characterized by nonconformity. Through such songs they criticize “capitalism” , “fascism” , “zionism” , “imperialism” , “racism” , “speciesism”, “police brutality” , “bullfighting” , as well as Spanish politicians, bankers and employers who have stolen public money. On the other side they defend “human rights” , “animals” , “environmentalism” , “anarchism”, and “anarchosyndicalism” . Maybe you have ever wondered how my politic ideas are. My ideas are the same than my favourite group of course. Above all in these crisis times that many Spaniards have found out Ska-P was right. We don’t trust any Spanish politician. We are against employers, banking, police brutality. We are against the royal family and our fucking king who has spent a lot of public money with prostitutes. We don’t believe in law cause we have seen many times how the rich always avoids prison whereas the poor always is jailed. To sum up all young Spaniards, including me, don’t trust the Spanish system anymore because it has been proved that such system doesn’t work. I am looking forward to listening the next record by this fantastic music group. I hope they continue to embarrass all people who make up Spanish system through their aggressive letters against system. Although maybe any Spanish politician or banker don’t feel shamed at all since this kind of people with no manners, with no education with no values, with no ethic, have proved to be really bad persons, and this sort of people don’t know what is the shame like.

You can know more about this group on its official website: . And I have put up a link of one of its famous performances in international tours singing one of its main hits. Take a look and write your comment on this blog. Happy Summer !!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Are you looking for sun? Are you looking for yummy food? Are you looking for parties? Enjoy your holidays in Spain where there are parties everyday and easy pretty women willing to have intercourse with tourists.

This kind of advertising can be seen in many overseas travel agencies. Today I am going to talk about Benidorm. One of the fauvorite places for British, German, Italian as well as many other European holidaymakers. Benidorm is a small town that lies around 140 km from Valencia.
Hundreds of  hotels, bars, restaurants, clubs get packed in the whole summertime from Monday to Sunday. If you like Mediterranean diet you could eat a nice paella at any Spanish restaurant. If your prefer junk food you can choose among many fast food restaurants. Thousands of drinkers crowd this small town during the summer. Most tourists choose Benidorm as the place to get drunk, take drugs or have a lot of sex. As a consequence, there are everyday people admitted in hospitals, troublemakers arrested, especially for getting involved in fights, and tourists cheated by foxy Spanish people. What about the easy pretty Spanish women? Travel agencies sell the Benidorm’s image as the perfect place to spend holidays. Its business consists of urging as many people as they can. That is why they advertise things like that. Maybe they are right only in some points. It is true that most Spanish women are hot therefore it is also true that they will have intercourse with tourists. But we cannot generalize by labelling “every” Spanish woman as a bith. Maybe sixty percent are bitches. The rest are not. So, what happen when such tourists find out that is not so easy getting sex from Spanish women as they expected? No problem, Benidorm has a lot of night clubs whether for straight men or gay men, as well as many houses where this old job take place. And there are also many gigolos for women. There are hundreds of women and men who carry out this work in Benidorm. Some of them deliberately, some of them forced. What kind of tourists go to Benidorm? You could think only young people. If you do, you are wrong. Most retired Spanish choose Benidorm as their holidays destination. So all kind of people can fit in this well-known place. Many tourists are looking for sun and beach and getting tanned. Days in Benidorm are very warm. Between 30-40º from eleven o’clock A.M until ten o’clock P.M. So you should use sun protection every hour unless you wanted to have any kind of skin cancer. Going out at nights is definitively a good idea since probably you will not be able to sleep because of hot. You can go out and have fun on your own. You don’t need neither alcohol nor drugs to enjoy your holidays in Benidorm. Another advise would be: be careful with pickpockets. In crowded areas keep your wallet in a safe place. Never give money to anyone who promise you a good business and if you are cheated inform police as soon as possible. They will be delighted to help you. The nightlife in Benidorm is amazing. You can have the best holidays in your life but try to spend them in the proper way. Have you ever been in Benidorm? Tell you experience on this blog just below this article. Nice holidays !!!


Friday, July 6, 2012


This week has started what Hemingway called “la fiesta” in a small city northern Spain named Pamplona. This city has one hundred thousands inhabitants and during this parties it will be up to one million people. Why these parties are so popular? Hemingway is a big responsible for writing about it in his books. In any case, what attracts more people are the famous races that bulls run after people along the city centre streets. Such bulls will be killed in the bullring every evening in what is known as “la fiesta nacional” . What other things attract people to come to San Fermin parties? The party of course. During eight days there is party everywhere at any time. There is party in bars, discotheques, clubs, and in the street. Concerts and night festivals take place every night in packed squares where people dance, flirt, sing and drink. 

I am going to tell you what is the timetable like for anyone who enjoy these parties.

-      Six o’clock: Bullfighting. People take food and drink and spend the two hours that bullfighting lasts eating and drinking while watching the bloody spectacle where bull is tortured until death.

-        Eight o’clock: As the bullfighting ends they go dancing around the streets while drinking of course. After a while they go to have a dinner at some restaurant or at their respective houses.

-        Eleven o’clock: After dinner they go the Ciudadela Park to watch the fireworks. What they can do while watching the fire rain? Drinking of course. They buy drink in shops and supermarkets and do what is known as “binge drinking”.

-        Night: During the whole night people have fun along the different party places carrying out activities such as drinking, taking drugs, eating or having sex. 

-        Eight o’clock: At this time is held the famous bulls race. Some people run, some people watch, some people continue to stay at bars.

-        Nine o’clock: Time to have breakfast. Every typical San Fermin breakfast is made up of two eggs, bacon, sausages, loin chops, black pudding and French fries. After this slight breakfast they are ready to sleep until three o’clock. Then they will wake up and start the same timetable again.

The average cost for every person for the whole parties is around one thousand euros. Pamplona hospitals attended nine hundred and fifty four people in the parties of two thousand eleven. Forty three of them were runners. The rest, people who drank or took drugs. This year will probably happen the same thing. I also want to highlight that people have sex everywhere during these parties. Some of them even in the street. As most of them are drunk, obviously they do not use condoms, which makes the situation even more dangerous. 

If you do not drink alcohol, take drugs or are not a promiscuous person I would not recommend you to come to Sanfermines. You will feel out of the party and probably you will not enjoy. It looks like these parties have been designed for drinkers, drug takers and fuckers. What about formal people like me? Maybe formal people have not the right of enjoying their city parties? You can watch a video of the famous races down here and you can write your comment giving your own opinion about these parties.      

Monday, July 2, 2012


Is time to talk about football. As you know past month took place the Eurocope in Poland and Ukraine. The first rival for Spain was a hard one: Italy. Some Italian footballers had been accused of rigging football matches in Italy, which had caused great controversy. Things didn’t start well and such a match ended with a draw (1-1) . The second match was against Croatia. A score draw would qualify Spain and eliminate Italy. Italian media published covers telling Spain will draw on purpose in order to get rid of Italy. However it will not occur because Spain had kept the most painful revenge for them. Spain suffered a lot and was about losing along many times during the match but finally Navas scored at the eightieth minute. In quarterfinals Spain would play Portugal. Spain had two days less to rest and prepare that match. That is why Portugal set out a very physical match. They put a big pressure from the first minute and withstood running ninety minutes. They had high chance of scoring. In the overtime Portuguese football players were exhausted and Spain controlled the whole extra time and had three great opportunities to score. However they were not successful and the match would decide with penalties. Xabi alonso was in charge of throwing the first one. The goalkeeper stopped it. Every Spanish people feared the worst thing. Time for Portugal. Casillas stopped the shot too. Then both Spain and Portugal scored the second penalty. Sergio Ramos, nicknamed “the bullfighter” scored the third one by making the famous panenka’s shot.  This time Portugal failed throwing the ball into the crossbar. If Cesc scored Spain would be qualified. Cesc looked at the ball and said it: “Please go inside”. The goalkeeper was about stopping it but ball hit the left post and went inside. Ronaldo, Pepe or Mourinho received what they deserve. They are really bad persons and in this film only the good character would win. Spain played France in semi-final. No one wanted France in Spain because they had always won us in any official match. There is a great rivalry between both countries since many years ago as far as sport is concerned. Lately they have accused Spanish sport persons of taking drugs to improve their fitness in competition, which is not true of course. They are who really take drugs and even so, they are not able to win anything. The revenge took place that day. Spain won with two Xabi Alonso’s goals. In the final would wait Italy. Spain would play this cheater team again. Balotelli said the day before that he would scored four times. The final was amazing. The most perfect football match played by Spain. The match Spain needed in its history. Silva headed the first goal in the fourteenth minute. Xabi made an amazing pass in the fortieth minute and Jordi Alba scored the second one. The second part was another display of nice football that Spain humiliated Italian footballers with continuous passes. In the eighty-fourth minute Fernando Torres scored again in a Eurocope final. And four minutes later he assisted Mata who scored the fourth and final goal. All Spanish people enjoyed watching that spectacle. We remembered the USA94 match that Luis Enrique was hit by Tassoti and referee didn’t see penalty. Italy is the most hated team in the world. It plays a defensive football. It provokes rival like Materazzi did with Zidane. (he said: I wish your daughter to be raped and killed soon) . Yesterday, everyone wanted the win of Spain except Italian people. Italian people are embarrased because of the yesterday humilliation. They deserve suffering as much as possible. Yesterday, football was fair and once more won the good character. The movie once more had a nice end. Viena, Cape Town, and Kiev. Any national team has ever won three championships in a row. We are not aware of what this team is doing. We don’t want to wake up from this dream. Unfortunately someday we will miss these magic years. This is the win of a team. All of them did a perfect match. All of them avoided us to think of unemploymend, debt and crisis. Life in Spain continues to be hard for most people today. In any case, thanks for such temporary happiness we had yesterday. We are very proud of you. We are very proud of being Spanish. Long live Spain !!!