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Friday, October 5, 2012


There have been many demonstrations lately in Spain because of this major crisis. Both 11-M and 25-S movement have urged people to crowd cities streets to protest against so many cuts, so much high unemployment rate, evictions, banks, and above all, our incompetent Spanish politicians. Such politicians have the highest salaries in Europe and despite that they are unable to work efficiently. The only thing they know to do well is either stealing or wasting public money. Many young people were brutally hit by Police in these demonstrations. People asked them to show their identification number and they denied. These young people only wanted to show their anger because they are unemployed because of our incompetent politicians. They are worried because of the dark future that Spain is going to live. As they live in a democratic country, they thought that they would be allowed to demonstrate. But sadly they were wrong. The Spanish Right rules the country almost like Franco did in the past. This kind of demonstrations are harmful for Mariano Rajoy’s image and its politic party. That is why he decided to break up these demonstrations at any cost. In this case, it was through a great violence. His goal was to transmit fear so that no more young people gather in the street to protest against his policies. What is more, the next day he talked to the Media about such demonstrations. He said he was very happy for all those young people who didn’t attend the demonstrations. He said they were responsible Spaniards and he felt proud of them. What really happens is Mariano Rajoy screws this kind of demonstrations because they damage a lot his work as a Spanish prime minister. Merkel, Sarcozy and others European leaders probably will ask him for explanations. Now Catalonia is demanding independence as well as Basque Country. Rajoy has many problems to solve in Spain and one year after having won elections, he continues to be unable to solve them. I have never gone any of these demonstrations fearing being hit by police. After listening to Rajoy’s words I have decided to attend to every demonstration concerning economic crisis. I would urge you, my fellow reader, to do the same thing. If Mariano Rajoy is an incompetent we must embarrass him publicly in the street. I know it is more comfortable to lye down on the sofa, watching TV, or hanging out on the Internet but this way we will never solve our problems. So let’s take the risk of being hit by police. Let’s shout loudly in the street and let’s show our anger for the hard situation we are living. It is our right. It is our duty. It is our fight. I have put up a video about such demonstrations where you will be able to watch how this government takes care of silencing whom are considered for Mariano Rajoy’s voters as “troublemakers” .