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Friday, March 1, 2013

ESPAÑOLES POR EL MUNDO (Spanish People around the world)

“Españoles por el mundo” . This is a Spanish TV programme that means: “Spanish people around the world”. In one programme, this programme broadcast successful Spanish people who left Spain and moved Norway looking for a better life. They succeeded since the first day by finding great jobs with high salaries. They also found love and got married. They made a family and had some beautiful blonde children. They told that they were very happy living in Norway and never would come back to Spain. They urged Spanish people to have a go in Norway because, according to them, the unemployment rate was just 1% at that time.

Hundreds of Spanish people did the same thing after watching this TV programme. Francisco Zamora a factory worker was one of them. He tells that has met hundreds of Spanish people who came to Norway with around two thousand euros and, as they did not get any job, ran out of money. Now they are homeless and do not have enough money to return Spain. They look for stuff into the trash cans in order to sell them and get enough money to pay the plane ticket.

“Fundacion Robin Hood” is a charity who helps people in need in Norway. More than fifty Spanish People go there daily. Paco met Mauricio in this charity. He is an Ecuadorian Norway teacher who freely teaches Norway. Thanks to Mauricio, Paco got a job in a Hotel laundry. As Paco doesn't have a house to stay, he sleeps hid at that laundry. Jose Andres lives in Bergen with no contract and temporary jobs. He does not earn enough to live at a shared flat so sleeps in the street too. He tells that one night, he and his friend did not stand the cold temperature and entered a hospital to spend the night. They were kicked out. Gonzalo is a Madrilenian thirty-four years old man who came to Norway last year with two thousand euros. In less than two months he ran out of money and ended up wandering in Norway's streets. He was interviewed by a Norwegian newspaper and took pictures of him. The whole country was shocked with his look. That same day, he was hospitalised with serious freezing symptoms.

Most Spanish people work eight hours a day but only three are paid. The lucky ones can live at a shared flat. Their bedroom is shared by five or six people. NGOS like “rescue army”  provide them everyday with food that is about of getting damaged. Some days it is the only food that they can eat.

I wanted to tell these stories so that people know the reality. “Españoles por el mundo” is a government TV programme that seek one goal: Urging Spanish people to leave the country in order to decrease the unemployment rate. That is why they lie and show cases of successful Spanish people who succeeded abroad. They will never show the cases mentioned above. I hope this programme to be eliminated from Television because TV programmes like this are harmful and can cause great damage on people. Now you can see a video of this programme and another that the reality is showed.