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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Spanish cardinal Rouco Varela reprimanded Spanish government as a whole and Mariano Rajoy in particular last Monday by stating “It is not easy to understand that Spain has not a law to protect life yet” . He was referring Spanish abortion law.

Abortion is a controversial issue. There were 118.359 abortions in Spain in 2012. Since 1985 there have been 1,6 millions of abortions. Many abortions are nowadays covered by Spanish Health care system. In other words, Spanish people are paying the mistakes made by many bitches in this country. On the other hand, there are other cases that abortion could be justified. In any case, I am not going to talk about abortion today. I will later on.

I am going to talk about the position of Spanish government on this issue. In the past, Mariano Rajoy and his party mates met in the street with demonstrators against of abortion. They engaged in these demonstrations and emphatically opposed to those women who wanted to have an abortion. They continued to argue their position about this issue in TV and radio debates. What is more, Mariano Rajoy had a meeting with Rouco Varela that promised to reform law as he wins elections and becomes prime minister.

Through these controversial statements, Rouco Varela, just wanted to recall Rajoy about that promise. After almost two years in power, Mariano Rajoy has not modified abortion law. If he really were against abortion, this law would have already been modified. So, we can reach the conclusion of Mariano Rajoy and “Partido Popular” (his political party) are in favour of abortion. They always seemed catholic, conservative and respectful with Catholic church and Christians. Now we could find out they are not. It was just a role that they played to get as many votes as possible. Maybe they even are not Christians. Maybe they even are against of catholic church. Mariano Rajoy turned out to be a really bad person for being able to lie by looking at his eyes, to a priest, specifically a cardinal. 

Dear Rouco, do not worry. You are just one victim more of Mariano Rajoy’s lies. Unemployed people, students, sick people, pensioners and many people have been deceive by him too. You are just one more. This incompetent prime minister has not qualms to get votes. He has not qualms to get anything. I wonder how much public money has stolen yet.