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Sunday, February 27, 2011


Young people who don’t study and don’t work are called “Generacion Ni-Ni” in Spain. “Ni” means “no” . That is: “no study – no work” . In english would be “No-No Generation” more or less.

Last day I read on “El Pais” about scholastic failure in Spain. About 30% quit studies before ending . We are the country with more cases around Europe. There is an interesting website where you can find more information:

Fourty thousands young people smoke joints or roaches in Spain according to Drugs National Plan Government . Two joints everyday more or less . This habit cause memory problems, shortage attention and other methal problems.

Another reason is social family situation for young people . Spanish parents lead a stressful life working many hours a day . They can not look after or pay attention them. Since they are children, spend the most day in nurseries, high-school, libraries, or study clubs . Others as they finish their classes come back home and spend the rest of the day alone . What do they do? Some of them are very responsible and do their homework or study for exams . However the most of them, since they are alone, spend the whole evening watching TV, listening to music, playing videogames or chatting on Facebook, Messenger or Skype. Others prefer to go out with their friends to smoke joints . The most important thing is they spend their childhood and adolescence without parental attention. Without parental affection. These both things cause scholastic failure .

Moreover young people at that time only think in having fun. The weekend is time to go dancing and flirting, so they go out every Friday and every Saturday the whole night. Obviusly after that, they spend the whole morning sleeping. About 80% get drunk every weekend. This habit cause more problems to concentrate in classes or memoryze while studying. Furthermore most of them will develop alcoholism in the near future . They begin to have intercourse since fourteen years old, some of them even early. When they fall in love they can not concentrate since they spend the whole day thinking about their baby or talking by mobile phone. These intercourse in youngs cause infectious diseases and unwanted pregnancies. There were 111.482 abortions in 2010 . Most of them by young people.

Some students think studying is useless because of current economic situation. They know universtity graduates who did not find any job after studying. So they are not motivated.

As you see there are many reasons which cause scholastic failure. What do you think about this? Who is the guilty? Which would be the solution of this problem? Write your comments just below here.

Spanish young mistreating his parents.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I am going to talk about spanish films. Last Sunday took place “Goya’s Ceremony” . There were movies such as “The rain too” or “Buried” which won three Goyas each . Buried is over a engineer working in Irak . He is kidnaped and wake up inside a coffin .
He just has a mobil phone to get leaving . It sounds terrific . I even get claustrofobia right now . The second one is “The rain too” . It is a history about a movie director who films a history about Cristobal Colon in Cochabamba (Bolivia) . While he is filming break out the famous “water war” . A war which took place because of privatization of the city water system in 2000 . This film tells how important is water and how indigenous people fight once again to defend their rights , just same than 500 years ago . The most succesful film was “Pa Negre” which won nine Goyas . Is about the sad spanish civil war . There is a child in Cataluña who one day finds two corpses . They are a man and his son . Autorities try to blame to his father of these deads . This child tries to find out who killed them .

There have been a lot of great spanish films . I am a fan of spanish movies . I remember great works of Alex de la Iglesia such as “La comunidad” or “El dia de la Bestia” . One female Director is Itziar Bollain who did nice films like “Hola estas sola?” , “Flores de otro mundo” or “Te doy mis ojos” . Another interesting film is “Lobo” by Miguel Courtous which tells about a man who is infiltrated into a terroristic band called E.T.A. “Camino” by “Javier Fesser” is another nice and sad film . Juan Antonio Bayona and Guillermo del toro did a fantastic film called “El orfanato” which was succesful in Goya awards 2007 . Anyway my favorite Director is Amenabar . He has done fantastic works such as “Tesis” , “Abre los ojos” , “Los otros” , “Mar adentro” and his last one “Agora” .

I recommend you all these movies to watch . We have got the best Movies Directors around the world and the best performers too, I think . We have not more money than Hollywood Industry, but we have got talent . And this is the most important thing . What will happen with our movies in the next future? Will win we any Oscar? Which is your favorite spanish film? Send your comments on this blog . Thank you .

Pa Negré Film

Film's scene

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Last week I attended one interesting lecture by Anonymous Alcoholic . I learnt some interesting things about alcoholims problem . Firstly a reabilitated alcoholic told about how was his life in the past . He lost control over his life while drinking . He lost his job and his family . He spent thirty years addicted . Later a man talked about her woman . She was alcoholic for many years and he told how this problem affects a family . Finally was the turn of a Doctor called “Vicente Madocz” . One expert Doctor who has been dealing with alcoholics for more than fourty years . He said alcoholism is a disease . An incurable disease which can have treatment and be controlated . However this disease ever can be cured . An alcoholic ever can be in touch with alcohol . Even he can not be in any bar or place where there is alcohol, for example a supermarket . Alcohol always will be his enemy and he will have to fight all of his life .

I read more things about alcohol on the Internet . For example, there is more than three million of alcoholic people in Spain in order to “ El Pais ” newspaper .

46% of homicides ( 644 ) and 25% of suicides ( 855 ) happen because of drinking alcohol . Moreover last year 1734 spanish people died because of driving . Probably most of them drank alcohol while driving . There is an interesting book called “practice guide treating alcoholism” written by Gabriel Rubio and Joaquin Santo Domingo teachers of University of Madrid . It tells interesting data like alcohol cause 70% of cirrhosis, 42% acute pancreatitis, 75 % of esophagus cancer, 50% of malignant tumors, and a lot of menthal diseases . Because of all these diseases 4.824 spanish people dye each year .

In all, 13.000 spanish people dye each year because of issue related to alcohol . Spain is the number one country in “Binge Drinking” . The most of young people use to get drunk every weekend . Sadly this is a typical spanish custom . It could be our national sport . People who drink one day a week is alcoholic too . This means that there is more alcoholic people in Spain than just three million .

Alcohol is a drug . Some Doctors say that is the most dangerous drug . However this drug is legalized just same than Tobacco . Why two so dangerous drugs are not banned? Is most important earn money? If these drugs are going to be permited, why don’t legalize Cocaina, Heroina or others drugs? I would like to know . Goodbye !!!

Bingue Drinking Report