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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Last week I attended one interesting lecture by Anonymous Alcoholic . I learnt some interesting things about alcoholims problem . Firstly a reabilitated alcoholic told about how was his life in the past . He lost control over his life while drinking . He lost his job and his family . He spent thirty years addicted . Later a man talked about her woman . She was alcoholic for many years and he told how this problem affects a family . Finally was the turn of a Doctor called “Vicente Madocz” . One expert Doctor who has been dealing with alcoholics for more than fourty years . He said alcoholism is a disease . An incurable disease which can have treatment and be controlated . However this disease ever can be cured . An alcoholic ever can be in touch with alcohol . Even he can not be in any bar or place where there is alcohol, for example a supermarket . Alcohol always will be his enemy and he will have to fight all of his life .

I read more things about alcohol on the Internet . For example, there is more than three million of alcoholic people in Spain in order to “ El Pais ” newspaper .

46% of homicides ( 644 ) and 25% of suicides ( 855 ) happen because of drinking alcohol . Moreover last year 1734 spanish people died because of driving . Probably most of them drank alcohol while driving . There is an interesting book called “practice guide treating alcoholism” written by Gabriel Rubio and Joaquin Santo Domingo teachers of University of Madrid . It tells interesting data like alcohol cause 70% of cirrhosis, 42% acute pancreatitis, 75 % of esophagus cancer, 50% of malignant tumors, and a lot of menthal diseases . Because of all these diseases 4.824 spanish people dye each year .

In all, 13.000 spanish people dye each year because of issue related to alcohol . Spain is the number one country in “Binge Drinking” . The most of young people use to get drunk every weekend . Sadly this is a typical spanish custom . It could be our national sport . People who drink one day a week is alcoholic too . This means that there is more alcoholic people in Spain than just three million .

Alcohol is a drug . Some Doctors say that is the most dangerous drug . However this drug is legalized just same than Tobacco . Why two so dangerous drugs are not banned? Is most important earn money? If these drugs are going to be permited, why don’t legalize Cocaina, Heroina or others drugs? I would like to know . Goodbye !!!

Bingue Drinking Report

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