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Saturday, March 5, 2011



Past month was carnival. Many people from all over the world dressed with outrageous fancy dress. The most famous carnivals around the world are in Rio de Janeiro. A lot of tourists visit it each year. There are many samba schools which parade on the “sambodromo” . There is jury who takes care of marking their fancy dresses and dancing. Samba schools train the whole year for this moment. Their fancy dresses and floats lead a hard work. Dancers are trained many hours a day for whole year. Finally the great moment starts. The samba school that gets more points will be the winner.
There is party all day in Rio during carnivals. Concerts, Discotheques, Bars, and people dancing samba in every place of the street. If you like having fun, Rio de Janeiro Carnivals would be an interesting place to enjoy.

Rio de Janeiro is in fashion. Olimpic games will be hold there in 2016. Two years earlier Football World Cup will be celebrated too. So in close years Brazil is going to be “the sport country” . Soccer is the main sport in Brazil. This country have always made football stars which succeeded in the most important teams of Europe. Its national football team is the most powerful due to the quality of their players. Brazil has won five football world cups. This time they play at home so could be their chance.

If you travel to Rio, you should visit “the redeemer Christ” . It is a statue located to seven hundred nine metres above sea level since is over the top of “Corcovado Mountain” . It was made in 1922 ordered by Isabel Princess. From there you can see amazing views. Another holy place to visit is “Maracana Stadium” . It is a real cathedral of football. I hope to watch spain winning the final world cup there in two thousand sixteen.

Though if you visit Brazil you can’t return without seeing another wonder of nature. I am talking about “Iguazu Falls” . They are located in Iguazú National Park, in the Paraná state. They are among Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. They are formed by Iguazú River and you can sail over it. There are two hundred and seventy five jumps. The most high is over eighty meters and it is named “Devil’s throat” .

In 1984 Iguazú National Park was declared as a patrimony of humanity and is visited for a lot of people everyday.

If you have planned travel to Brazil just for holidays be careful. Brazilian women are very beautiful and you could fall in love and settle definitely there. Though, would not be this a great reason to change your place of residence?

Write whatever you want about Brazil posting comments on my blog. Goodbye !!!

Carnaval Sambodromo Rio de Janeiro.

Cataratas Iguazu.

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