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Friday, June 8, 2012


There was a age that Spain was the eighth power in the world. Anyone could buy a car, a house, expensive clothes and enjoying Caribbean holidays every summer. Anyone could receive a loan or a mortgage from the bank. The banks’ strategy was clear. Making available money to all sort of people, even those who (banks knew) were not going to be able to pay back. Spanish banks lied them about conditions. Spanish banks promised them that they would be able to pay back without any problem. According to what they have just signed, if something wrong happened and were not able to continue to pay that loan, they would lose both the house that they were paying and the other house that they had set as a guarantee. And of course, this gullible people would also lose all the money they had paid until that time. It was a bright business. The situation now is quite different. Many Spanish people have lost neither their houses or their money. And Spanish banks own thousands of houses that cannot sell. The bright business was wrong for both parts. Spanish Banks such as a Bankia, Banca Civica or BBVA, among others, cheated people and now they are in debt. Who will help them to solve this serious situation? Spanish people of course. Europe is going to provide Spanish banks with eighty thousand millions euros to reorganise them. Every Spanish citizen will pay part of this debt with his taxes, which by the way will be higher. That is, those Spanish people who were cheated by Spanish banks, now will have to pay higher taxes to help the bank that cheated them. Some of them will not be able to assume this responsibility because they are living under the bridge or starving anywhere. In any case is sad every crisis is paid by the same people: usual people. This is right-wing politics. This is the only thing our current prime minister Mariano Rajoy has thought to beat this crisis. Helping powerful people with the help of poor people. I listened to the radio a nice news last day. Agressions to bank managers have risen in the last months. What is clear is this kind of despicable people deserve it. Maybe violence could be a solution. They will fear for their life and maybe they will not cheat anymore. If you have been cheated by any bank write your personal story on this blog. Thank you.   

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