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Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hello guys. Summer is over. Today I am going to talk about the Spanish young people favourite drug. It is called “crystal” or “MDMA” . This drug is characterized for its affective effects as well as euphoria, happiness and and joy. Besides all that, there is a lack of tiredness during its effects, which last around six hours. Due to its affective effects this drug was named “love drug” . People who consume this drug fancy to say “I love you” to whoever is around; friends, partner, or even the club’s bouncer. This drug also increases sexual desire, which means crystal consumers have a high chance of having intercourse during MDMA effects. In addition, another effect is such consumers feel really confident and do not appreciate risks at all. It means they probably will engage in high-risks behaviours such as having sex without condon. MDMA is usually sold in powder. It also can be sold in pills but people prefer in powder because there is more purity, around 85 %. One gram costs 60 euros and it is possible to make around ten doses with it. The short-term risks of this drug are heat wave, tachycardia, arrhythmia, dehydration and overdose. The long-term risks are related to anxiety attacks, depression and psychotic disorders. All of them will develop memory problems, humour changes, and hallucinations. Why Spanish young people take this serious drug? I have interviewed a consumer who didn’t want to say his name so I will call him Nicolas. Nicolas told me he takes MDMA every weekend as he goes parties with his friends.

“the rush is amazing. You feel really well. It is the funniest drug. As I take MDMA I feel confident and talk to many people so I make a lot of friends. I spend many hours dancing, smiling, laughing… I really like the pleasure feeling that this drug gives me. The hangover is less hard than alcohol. I use to have headache on Sundays but the worst thing takes place on Monday. Then is when effects really end. At that time I feel depression. I am with very bad temper and do not want to talk to any colleague in my workplace. My sensitivity is really down and sometimes I spend long time crying. My girlfried refuses to meet me such days. I have had some hallucinations from time to time. The point is to control yourself, be quiet and say to yourself it is not happening. It is not real. One day my hallucination was very scary. I saw a snake at my bedroom while sleeping. I was able to avoid get into panic telling to myself it was just a hallucination. I don’t think I could dye with this drug. I don’t want to kill myself. I am able to control this drug. I only seek having fun at weekends with my friends”.

There are not high cases of death concerning this drug. However there are many cases related to menthal problems, depression and schizophrenia. After interviewing Nicolas I found out he didn’t know the real risks. Once more, the problem resides in some people are not enquired. They have the Internet, which can become a good resourse to get enquired. However they prefer using the Internet to chat on facebook, twitter, messenger or Skype. I have just watched a very interesting video on youtube about this drug. It is called “the most dangerous drug” . And I also put up a video about Spanish people with MDMA effects one single Saturday night. I would urge you to watch both videos and send a comment telling your view about this topic. See you !!!!


Saturday, September 1, 2012


If you have ever been in Spain, you will probably have seen people screaming around. You could think they are fighting and you could be right. However in most cases they are not arguing. They are only talking each other. It is the their way of speaking. Most Spaniards speak loudly anywhere. In the street, at the bus, at the church, at the supermarket, at bars and restaurants and even at hospital. They don’t care people hear their conversation despite it is private. (past day I heard two girls telling details each other about their last weekend intercourse) .
If you have to travel at night in Spain be sure you will not able to sleep. In all my trips there always was someone talking loudly through his cell phone over the whole trip. In my neighbourhood is normal waking up at three o’clock during any workday because any neighbour enters the garage with loudly music and his car windows open. And talking about cars you should be very careful if you are a walker in Spain. Most drivers don’t respect cyclists or walkers and it is very common watching terrible accidents. According to "El Mundo" , five hundred people are killed by drivers each year in Spain.
This report also says most of them were old people and children. It tells that twenty children are killed everyday in Spain. The most worrying thing is every accident takes place over zebra crossings. If you are at a restaurant in Spain enyoing your tasty meal, you will see people chewing food with their mouth open showing thus what they have inside, which is disgusting. They will make noise by chewing and of course, they will also be able of talking loudly at the same time. If you are at the supermarket waiting for the check out operator scans all your purchases it is possible she suddenly stops working only because she has started a conversation with the check out operator who works along with her. You would have to wait for the end of the silly conversation. And if you are a woman and go out at night in Spain you should be especially careful. Some drunk men will touch your boobs while walking in front of you. What else? Oh yeah. I was at the bus past Wednesday commuting. I was sit down at the bottom of the bus listening to music on my MP3. The trip was loudly as always but this time, something else happened. Suddenly I noticed something very smelly. It was not about the travellers who were sit down in front of me didn’t have a shower that day or about they were wearing the wrong cologne. They just had farted. As it was like the nazi gas I had get off in the next bus stop to survive. I had to walk one kilometer to my house but at least I breathed fresh air. If you have ever been in Spain and lived any of these situations post a comment. How about the people manners in your country? Write telling about it to compare. Thank you and enjoy your summer because there is no much time left.