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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Spanish cardinal Rouco Varela reprimanded Spanish government as a whole and Mariano Rajoy in particular last Monday by stating “It is not easy to understand that Spain has not a law to protect life yet” . He was referring Spanish abortion law.

Abortion is a controversial issue. There were 118.359 abortions in Spain in 2012. Since 1985 there have been 1,6 millions of abortions. Many abortions are nowadays covered by Spanish Health care system. In other words, Spanish people are paying the mistakes made by many bitches in this country. On the other hand, there are other cases that abortion could be justified. In any case, I am not going to talk about abortion today. I will later on.

I am going to talk about the position of Spanish government on this issue. In the past, Mariano Rajoy and his party mates met in the street with demonstrators against of abortion. They engaged in these demonstrations and emphatically opposed to those women who wanted to have an abortion. They continued to argue their position about this issue in TV and radio debates. What is more, Mariano Rajoy had a meeting with Rouco Varela that promised to reform law as he wins elections and becomes prime minister.

Through these controversial statements, Rouco Varela, just wanted to recall Rajoy about that promise. After almost two years in power, Mariano Rajoy has not modified abortion law. If he really were against abortion, this law would have already been modified. So, we can reach the conclusion of Mariano Rajoy and “Partido Popular” (his political party) are in favour of abortion. They always seemed catholic, conservative and respectful with Catholic church and Christians. Now we could find out they are not. It was just a role that they played to get as many votes as possible. Maybe they even are not Christians. Maybe they even are against of catholic church. Mariano Rajoy turned out to be a really bad person for being able to lie by looking at his eyes, to a priest, specifically a cardinal. 

Dear Rouco, do not worry. You are just one victim more of Mariano Rajoy’s lies. Unemployed people, students, sick people, pensioners and many people have been deceive by him too. You are just one more. This incompetent prime minister has not qualms to get votes. He has not qualms to get anything. I wonder how much public money has stolen yet.

Friday, March 1, 2013

ESPAÑOLES POR EL MUNDO (Spanish People around the world)

“Españoles por el mundo” . This is a Spanish TV programme that means: “Spanish people around the world”. In one programme, this programme broadcast successful Spanish people who left Spain and moved Norway looking for a better life. They succeeded since the first day by finding great jobs with high salaries. They also found love and got married. They made a family and had some beautiful blonde children. They told that they were very happy living in Norway and never would come back to Spain. They urged Spanish people to have a go in Norway because, according to them, the unemployment rate was just 1% at that time.

Hundreds of Spanish people did the same thing after watching this TV programme. Francisco Zamora a factory worker was one of them. He tells that has met hundreds of Spanish people who came to Norway with around two thousand euros and, as they did not get any job, ran out of money. Now they are homeless and do not have enough money to return Spain. They look for stuff into the trash cans in order to sell them and get enough money to pay the plane ticket.

“Fundacion Robin Hood” is a charity who helps people in need in Norway. More than fifty Spanish People go there daily. Paco met Mauricio in this charity. He is an Ecuadorian Norway teacher who freely teaches Norway. Thanks to Mauricio, Paco got a job in a Hotel laundry. As Paco doesn't have a house to stay, he sleeps hid at that laundry. Jose Andres lives in Bergen with no contract and temporary jobs. He does not earn enough to live at a shared flat so sleeps in the street too. He tells that one night, he and his friend did not stand the cold temperature and entered a hospital to spend the night. They were kicked out. Gonzalo is a Madrilenian thirty-four years old man who came to Norway last year with two thousand euros. In less than two months he ran out of money and ended up wandering in Norway's streets. He was interviewed by a Norwegian newspaper and took pictures of him. The whole country was shocked with his look. That same day, he was hospitalised with serious freezing symptoms.

Most Spanish people work eight hours a day but only three are paid. The lucky ones can live at a shared flat. Their bedroom is shared by five or six people. NGOS like “rescue army”  provide them everyday with food that is about of getting damaged. Some days it is the only food that they can eat.

I wanted to tell these stories so that people know the reality. “Españoles por el mundo” is a government TV programme that seek one goal: Urging Spanish people to leave the country in order to decrease the unemployment rate. That is why they lie and show cases of successful Spanish people who succeeded abroad. They will never show the cases mentioned above. I hope this programme to be eliminated from Television because TV programmes like this are harmful and can cause great damage on people. Now you can see a video of this programme and another that the reality is showed.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Today I am going to talk about a striking story, which I heard on the radio yesterday. It was on a Spanish radio station called Europa F.M and the programme is named “Ponte a prueba” . This is the story:

Two young Spanish women decided to go on a holiday to the dominican Republic. As you know going on holidays to places such as the dominican Republic, Cuba or Brazil is the same as going to do what some people call “sexual tourism” . Despite that they didn’t recognise this, it was clear these women went there with this intention. Everything went smoothly since each of them got one strong-sexy and handsome Caribbean man. One of the women fell in love at once with her hunky man. The other one had a conversation with a Dominican woman who knew this man.

-        Your friend should not continue with that man.

-        Why? –she asked.

-        That man is mentally disturbed.

-        Why do you say that?

-        He is a zoophile. He will never love her cause he only feels attracted to animals.

When this woman told the issue to her friend, she didn’t believe it. She thought this Dominican woman was jealous, and she intended to steal this man from her. However, her friend found out this man lived on a farm and sometimes there were some dead hens on the ground. They had their anus tore up. Apparently they had been raped by this man. She also found out by asking people from the area, that he had been seen several times having sex with goats.

After a few days, “the woman in love” met her boyfriend and they had a sad conversation.

-        Honey, we have to talk. –said the Dominican man.

-        What happened? –she asked.

-        Our relationship must end. I am not in love with you. I never was actually.

-        Is there anyone? –she asked with tears in her eyes.

-        Yes there is.

-        Is she a person or an animal? –she asked.

He became serious and surprised at the same time. He realised she knew everything. He confessed all.

-        She is an animal. She is a sow actually. I am really in love with her. We started our relationship one year ago. I am sorry dear.

She felt awful, as she found out he never used a condom during intercourse. She said on the radio programme about the chance of having sucked his penis after it had been introduced into a sow's vagina. Very disgusting.

The holidays were over and these two women got back to Spain. The heart-broken woman knew she had to move on. She forgot this man and started a new relationship with an older man. He is 67, and she is 24. She was asked about why she is with him. Is he rich? She said, no. She was just in love with him. Ummm, hard to believe. What is clear is, this woman is also mentally disturbed.

What do you think about this story? Do you think it is true or made up? Do you know any zoophile friend? Send a comment and tell us. Bye !!!

If you wanna listen to more stories like this. Take a look on this radio programme website:

Monday, January 28, 2013


Hello everybody and happy new year. Today I am going to talk about a Spanish comedian called Willy Toledo. He is well-known for his work in TV series and theatre. Now he has just written a book called “Razones para la rebeldía” . He gave a really interesting lecture last week in Tenerife that criticized the Spanish system. He talked about Spanish health care and told many shocking things. He considers that Spanish law doesn’t work properly since rich people never are punished for wrongdoing. However, common people are severely punished by Spanish justice. He told the Spanish prisons have more than 70.000 inmates, much more than any other European jail. Interestingly, Spain is the second country in Europe where less offences are committed. Willy also told that there are thousands of people who are tortured each year in Spain. This system, as he tells, is dismantling public health care and education. As far as public health care is concerned, he told that after so many cuts in Spain, there are some hospitals where the cleaning service is so limited that the sick people coexist each other in nasty conditions. In mane cases, such conditions have been their main cause of dead. In other words, Spanish system is killing us little by little. He thinks this is not a democracy because our government has the control of media. This system tries to avoid demonstrations through severe violence carried out by the police on demonstrators, therefore this system doesn’t allow people to express themselves. Finally he told the Spanish king Mr. Juan Carlos has been chosen by one fascist and murderer dictator called Franco. He wished that Spanish people don’t let this fascist monarchy to be extended after his death.

“as he is very fat and drinks too much alcohol, I hope that he dyes very soon. Moreover there is a short time left and he will dye soon so let’s get ready for it”

I have to say that I am completely agree with Willy. This is not a democracy anymore. This system is ruining many Spanish people lives and it has become clear that this system has been designed for the sake of rich and powerful people. I began to read Willy’s book this week and I really recommend it to everyone. There are still, many people manipulated and cheated by the Spanish system and this book could help them open their eyes and see the cruel reality. I wish more people to become as brave as Willy Toledo and express themselves without fear and tell what they think. Thank you Willy.

PS: I also wish the death of this drunk, womaniser and thief king.