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Monday, January 28, 2013


Hello everybody and happy new year. Today I am going to talk about a Spanish comedian called Willy Toledo. He is well-known for his work in TV series and theatre. Now he has just written a book called “Razones para la rebeldía” . He gave a really interesting lecture last week in Tenerife that criticized the Spanish system. He talked about Spanish health care and told many shocking things. He considers that Spanish law doesn’t work properly since rich people never are punished for wrongdoing. However, common people are severely punished by Spanish justice. He told the Spanish prisons have more than 70.000 inmates, much more than any other European jail. Interestingly, Spain is the second country in Europe where less offences are committed. Willy also told that there are thousands of people who are tortured each year in Spain. This system, as he tells, is dismantling public health care and education. As far as public health care is concerned, he told that after so many cuts in Spain, there are some hospitals where the cleaning service is so limited that the sick people coexist each other in nasty conditions. In mane cases, such conditions have been their main cause of dead. In other words, Spanish system is killing us little by little. He thinks this is not a democracy because our government has the control of media. This system tries to avoid demonstrations through severe violence carried out by the police on demonstrators, therefore this system doesn’t allow people to express themselves. Finally he told the Spanish king Mr. Juan Carlos has been chosen by one fascist and murderer dictator called Franco. He wished that Spanish people don’t let this fascist monarchy to be extended after his death.

“as he is very fat and drinks too much alcohol, I hope that he dyes very soon. Moreover there is a short time left and he will dye soon so let’s get ready for it”

I have to say that I am completely agree with Willy. This is not a democracy anymore. This system is ruining many Spanish people lives and it has become clear that this system has been designed for the sake of rich and powerful people. I began to read Willy’s book this week and I really recommend it to everyone. There are still, many people manipulated and cheated by the Spanish system and this book could help them open their eyes and see the cruel reality. I wish more people to become as brave as Willy Toledo and express themselves without fear and tell what they think. Thank you Willy.

PS: I also wish the death of this drunk, womaniser and thief king.


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