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Sunday, December 30, 2012


Once more people will get together to savour the last dinner of the year. Once more people will overeat expensive food even in spite of being filled up. An average Spanish New year’s eve dinner would be made up of king prawns, croquettes, hake, veal, lamb, asparagus, fish soup, and all kind of desserts such as rice pudding, custards, ice cream or fruit. There would be another typical food called “turron” or nougat candy as well as many other sweets. There will be expensive wines and champagne to drink a toast to the new year. There will also be silly traditions such as starting the new year with red clothes or eating twelve grapes during the twelve rings at midnight. People will go to parties at that time to have fun in several clubs where they will get drunk until the dawn. Such clubs charge very expensive tickets and serve adulterated drinks very expensive too. This people will spend an average of one hundred euros without counting the dinner. While they overeat and overdrink, there also will be people starving in Spain. People sleeping in cars or under the bridge. People ruined because of morgages that cannot pay anymore. Children who will not receive any present. There will be sick people who are not attended because of government cuts. Many people in Spain will hold New Year’s Eve differently. For those who will overeat and overdrink that day I would urge them to think about these people who are not so lucky of enjoying an abundant dinner in the last day of the year. If after thinking of them, they still celebrate New Year’s Eve this way, they would be proving being really bad persons, selfish and insensitive. Why can’t we eat the last dinner of the year like any other dinner? Why it cannot be a single dinner? Why do we must overeat? Maybe because we have been taught by the capitalist system to live Christmas this way. We have been taught to spend as much money as possible these days. We have not been taught to help unlucky people who are in need. We have been taught to be selfish and consumers. I don’t want to belong to this group. And I am not going to follow the capitalist system advices anymore. Actually I want to belong to the other group. The group of people who will starve that day. I will starve that day too through a voluntary abstinence. I will not party nor get drunk. I will not spend money in unnecessary gifts. This will be my way of paying homage to this unlucky group of people. Someone wants to join this group? Happy New Year !!!


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