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Friday, December 7, 2012


I know you could accuse me of writing about sad things lately. It is not my fault. The situation in Spain is dramatic, so when talking about news, most of them are negative. That is why this time I am going to talk about something or rather someone funny. He is a well-known Spanish comedian called Jose Mota. He has worked as a comedian since 1985. He has conducted the New Year’s Eve specials TV shows for the last twelve years. All his programmes have achieved top-audience levels. He has made fun of Spanish politicians, bankers, football players, singers or movie stars. He is a great impersonator therefore as he imitates someone it looks like he is the celebrity itself. He also creates common characters. They are not celebrities but common people whom you could meet anywhere. Let’s talk about some of his characters. “La señora del visillo” is an old lady who lives in a village and she spies her neighbors in order to tell others personal things about them. “El tio de la vara” is a country bumpkin who secretly turns into an avenging man who hits with a stick anyone who involves in any sort of wrongdoing activity. “Facundo collado” is a security guard who deals with celebrities at his working place. He asks them for autographs and makes any negative comment about them at the same time so they get angry with him. “El cansino histórico” is focused on the Middle Ages. He is a vassal who runs into famous characters and urges them to have a drink together in a nearby bar but they refused. Then he gets angry with them and insults them with many funny words.

Jose Mota also has performed in Santiago Segura’s movies called “Torrente” as well as several plays. As a voiceover actor Jose Mota has dubbed many movies such as Shrek, Hellboy, or Monsters. He still works and is preparing the New Year’s Eve show of this year. All Spanish people are looking forward to watching it. All Spanish people have really laughed with his shows. Making laugh has never been an easy task. In this time that so many Spanish people cry or live worried,  Mr. Mota has been responsible for replacing sadness with laugh. How nice work !!! There are hundres of videos about Jose Mota’s shows on youtube. You just have to type his name. I have put up two links of some of his more funny sketchs. I hope you enjoy them. If you have ever seen any of his shows comment on this blog about what would be your favorite sketch. Thank you !!!

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