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Sunday, November 18, 2012


In this week that took place a major general strike where many people expressed their anger for the unfair economic situation that they are living, have happened many outstanding things worthy to tell on this blog. 

Since 2008 there have been 400.000 evictions in Spain, which means that Spanish banks nowadays own 400.000 households that they got through cheating Spanish people. According to “Caritas” ( a Spanish charity ) more than 30.000 people live in the street. Others live in cars, caravans or shacks. Others have been lucky and any friend or relative let them live at their own house. And there are others who threw in the towel and killed themselves. 

Since 2008 there have been each year more than 8.500 people who committed suicide in Spain. Of course, not all of them committed suicide because of the economic crisis but, for certain, many of them did. 

Today, I want to talk about some of these Spaniards who threw in the towel.  I want to tell about a security guard whose company owed him 10.000 euros but it didn’t pay him. Because of his debts he killed himself leaving two sons without a father. Or a young man who lost his job, then his wife asked him divorce and then bank took him his house out. He also committed suicide. In Valencia a man was going to be kicked out from his house and before police entered his house, he jumped over the window before kissing his son for the last time. Another man in Granada hanged himself because he was going to be evicted the day after. 

The last case took place in Barakaldo in northern Spain. Amaia Engaña had guaranteed her brother. He mortgaged his house and time after lost his job. Both brother and sister were going to be evicted from their respective houses. Amaia had a job as a civil servant. Her husband had a job too. They had a twenty-one years old son. Amaia concealed that she had guaranteed her brother from both her husband and son. Last week Amaia knew when police would ring her door to ask her to leave definitively her house. When they rang, she threw herself through window. 

After this last suicide Spanish governmentnt gathered to deal with evictions in Spain. Law has been slightly modified and now some families, only those who live the most serious situations will avoid eviction at least for a while. It has been necessary many people commit suicide so that government makes such a decision. Our martyr has been Amaia and that is why I have decided to put up a picture and a video of her. I hope anyone else commit suicide in the future. Citizens are not responsible for this crisis. Only banks and Spanish politicians. In any case, if someone has decided to commit suicide shortly my advise is this one:  kill a Spanish politician or banker first.

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