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Friday, November 2, 2012


I am going to talk about Spanish drivers. The stadistic is shocking: more than five hundred pedestrians are killed by drivers each year in Spain. Between 2005 and 2010 there were 68.000 pedestrians knocked down; 3.300 were killed and 13.500 were seriously injured. Most of them were children and old people. In ninety percent of cases it took place in crosswalks or red lights, which means it was the driver’s faul. There are several reasons why so many pedestrians are killed in zebra crossings. 
Most cases take place in cities and the main causes are distractions, traffic offences and excess speed. I would say there is another reason. Recently I wrote about Spanish manners. This thing has to do with the way of driving in Spain. Drivers are always in a hurry and that is the most important thing for them. They don’t think about killing someone for driving so fast. They just think of getting their place as soon as possible. And they know Spanish law protect killers so if they run over someone there is only one thing they must do to avoid get into trouble. Phoning ambulance, acting (maybe crying or pretending an anxiety attack) and to say I am sorry. These three things are enough to avoid jail. He could lose his driving license for a few months and in some cases maybe he would have to pay a compensation for pedestrian or his family. That is why they drive recklessly. They are selfish and only think of themselves. It is the upbrinking that they received from their parents. Which would be the measures to avoid such accidents? In countries such as Switzerland, Germany or England drivers are much more respectful with pedestrains because of law. Drivers are severely punished if they commit any kind of traffic offence. They have to pay high compensations and even could go to prison. That is what Spain should do to solve this problem. Every driver who kills someone should go to prison for ever because despite maybe he didn’t do it on purpose, he has killed someone. A person’s life always should be punished with jail. If you live in Spain you will have high chance of being knocked down so be careful with drivers. I am going to give some advises just in case you are ever knocked down. Don’t argue with driver. Try to be calm down although it will be difficult. Try to get any witness and his/her phone number to be in touch. He or she will be key to win a possible future trial. Don’t trust insurance companies. They will always offer you the minimum compensation. Get a lawyer because probably you will win the trial and driver will have to pay your lawyer costs. Pretend you have developed depression. You will be able to ask another compensation for damages. Inform everybody about your accident including police in order to avoid future accidents. What would you have to do to avoid being knocked down? Don’t trust any driver in any crosswalk or red light. Don’t cross until driver has completely stopped. Don’t listen to music while walking. It could distract you. Try to use crosswalks with lights. They are the safer way of crossing roads. And write a blog or send your comment on this one telling your mind about this major problem or tell your own experience if you have ever been knocked down. We can solve this problem. Bye !!!

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