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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Last Sunday took place a terrible fright in Salamanca’s football field. A footballer of Salamanca´s team suffered a heart attack while he is playing a football match. His playermates were very scared because he seemed being death. Immediately doctors of both teams jumped into the field to treat him. One of them insert him a tube so that he could not swallow his tongue. They made him cardiac massage and took him to the Hospital. His name is Miguel García. He spent the whole night at ICU and the next day he was out of danger. However he will not can keep playing football anymore. I suppose that all his playmates for a moment remembered another tragic cases like Antonio Puerta or Daniel Jarque.

Miguel García’s Doctor saved his life. This thing don’t happened because of excessive physical effort. This is called “sudden death” . There are more than twenty thousands sudden deaths in Spain each year. Only about twenty cases happen in people who are doing sport. If Miguel García would have suffered that heart attack at his home, or driving or in the supermarket, he would have died. He was lucky since had two doctors treating him at once.

Last tuesday another young footballer suffered the same thing in Melide ( Galicia ). He fell on the ground and his playmates phoned an ambulance. He was unconscious. Ambulance arrived there soon, and the young boy received heart massages. However it was too late. He died. He was twenty years old.

This is the difference. If you are a profesional footballer you have doctors who can save your life immediately. If you are playing football with your friends you don’t. Should be obligatory having doctors in sport facilities? Or maybe there is nothing to do to fight sudden deaths? There are enough security conditions in major football fields? Tell your comments.

Miguel Garcia's heart attack

Sunday, October 24, 2010


In 1876 the Scotish man Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone. Elisha Grey and Thomas Alva Edison helped him to improve the sound quality. 11th 2005 U.SA. Congress approved that the real inventor was Antonio Meucci, who invented telephone in 1871. What happened was he had not economic resources to patent it. Anyway none of them could never imagine how this invent would evolve.


Through fixed phone you can do calls to any phone number around the world. The most of homes have this sort of phone and telephone companies fix cheap prizes to their clients. For example in Spain you can do calls to another fixed numbers phone completely free as time as you want.


Many phones connected by the same number. This is very useful in offices, universities, hospitals, … When you call to your phone company you have to wait long time since there are many people being attended by many operators. Even there is a machine which orders to you push bottoms or tell any words like your name, surname or your phone number. I personally hate talking to machines. They misunderstand me and I became nervous.


You can have Internet through your fixed phone. The most of phone companies offer this service and the majority of people use it. At the beginning when you received a call, your Internet connection stopped. You had to connect again. And you just could use Internet since 6:00 P.M until 8:00 A:M. Nowdays you can use it the whole day and receive calls during your connection.


This was the real revolution. At first having a mobil phone was a luxury because they are so expensive. I can remember my first mobil phone. Something like a brick with bottoms and just three melodies. But I was happy with him. Sending SMS, attending calls, etc … I had to charge it everyday and I always was worried about its battery. Nowdays there are mobile phones very little and with a lot of stuff. For example you can listen to radio or your favorite MP3 music. You can take pictures or recording videos and send them through your mobile phone to another user. You can do videocalls just like Messenger or Skype. You can use Internet in your mobile phone or playing games. Another mobile phones have GPS services so you can look for any adress if you are lost.

Some health experts say there are many young people adicted to mobile phone. They spend loads of money in it and can not live without their phone. Some teachers tell many of their pupils make mistakes writing because of typical SMS language.

The major manufacturers are Nokia, Samsung and Erison. They sell most mobile phones in whole wide world. Mobile Phone Industry earn millions euros each year. They employ a lot of people in their factories. Telephone Companies earn loads of money too. Some people are upset with them because sometimes these companies offer interesting products and after people realise that have been deceived.

Anyway if Alexander Graham Bell, or Antonio Meucci could see how are the present phones, how work Mobile Companies and how many phones are made each day I am sure that they could not believe it . This consumer society is get used to buy a new mobile phone each year. They throw their previous mobile phone despite it works and they buy a new one, just because is a little bit better than the other. What should we do? Could we stop using mobile phones? Could we use only fixed phone or telephone box, just like in the past? If we could, we would not need mobile phone anymore. And we would not collaborate to enrich them with our money. The question is: could we live without mobile phones?

how telephones are made (Discovery Channel)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today was held a popular marathon in Madrid. “Madrid Bike Tour” is a campaing to prevent drugs consume in young people. The goal is to make aware of this problem to young people through phrases like “enjoy and move just with your energy” . More than five thousand cyclists joined this campaing. Madrid’s city council provided bycicles to people who had not in exchange for seventy euros. After that they might get that bycicle. Spain heads the ranking of drugs adicts in Europe after UK and Italy. However this drug taking has reduced according to last survey. Spain government hopes to encourage doing sport in young people so that they get used to have a healthy life. Since 2004 every sunday morning is organized “Sport Sundays” in Madrid. The goal is getting young people practicing several sort of sports instead of sleeping the whole morning sunday after a crazy night of alcohol and drugs. This is a great idea and I wish such campaings were held in every city from Spain. Sport is the better drug that you could be addicted. So let’s do sport !!!!