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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Last Sunday took place a terrible fright in Salamanca’s football field. A footballer of Salamanca´s team suffered a heart attack while he is playing a football match. His playermates were very scared because he seemed being death. Immediately doctors of both teams jumped into the field to treat him. One of them insert him a tube so that he could not swallow his tongue. They made him cardiac massage and took him to the Hospital. His name is Miguel García. He spent the whole night at ICU and the next day he was out of danger. However he will not can keep playing football anymore. I suppose that all his playmates for a moment remembered another tragic cases like Antonio Puerta or Daniel Jarque.

Miguel García’s Doctor saved his life. This thing don’t happened because of excessive physical effort. This is called “sudden death” . There are more than twenty thousands sudden deaths in Spain each year. Only about twenty cases happen in people who are doing sport. If Miguel García would have suffered that heart attack at his home, or driving or in the supermarket, he would have died. He was lucky since had two doctors treating him at once.

Last tuesday another young footballer suffered the same thing in Melide ( Galicia ). He fell on the ground and his playmates phoned an ambulance. He was unconscious. Ambulance arrived there soon, and the young boy received heart massages. However it was too late. He died. He was twenty years old.

This is the difference. If you are a profesional footballer you have doctors who can save your life immediately. If you are playing football with your friends you don’t. Should be obligatory having doctors in sport facilities? Or maybe there is nothing to do to fight sudden deaths? There are enough security conditions in major football fields? Tell your comments.

Miguel Garcia's heart attack

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