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Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today was held a popular marathon in Madrid. “Madrid Bike Tour” is a campaing to prevent drugs consume in young people. The goal is to make aware of this problem to young people through phrases like “enjoy and move just with your energy” . More than five thousand cyclists joined this campaing. Madrid’s city council provided bycicles to people who had not in exchange for seventy euros. After that they might get that bycicle. Spain heads the ranking of drugs adicts in Europe after UK and Italy. However this drug taking has reduced according to last survey. Spain government hopes to encourage doing sport in young people so that they get used to have a healthy life. Since 2004 every sunday morning is organized “Sport Sundays” in Madrid. The goal is getting young people practicing several sort of sports instead of sleeping the whole morning sunday after a crazy night of alcohol and drugs. This is a great idea and I wish such campaings were held in every city from Spain. Sport is the better drug that you could be addicted. So let’s do sport !!!!

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