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Thursday, December 30, 2010


Next Friday will end this year. Many people are arranging wonderful dinners and where and how will celebrate the beginning of the new year. People will eat a lot (one more time) until getting indigestion. Some will get drunk and spend the whole night drinking, dancing and having fun. While one million people will dye because of starving. Anyway I am not going to talk about that issue. That was my last writing. I would like to tell about the most important news of this year.


The main concern nowdays is economic crisis. This crisis began On 2007 and probably is the worst crisis in the history. Even worst than 1929 . Just one year ago, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told that Spain will recover on 2010. The real thing is we are worse. Twenty per cent of people unemployed and nearly two hundred millions euros of debt. So it was simply one of his lies. Will predict he something for the next year? I hope no .

The only country that seems doesn’t exist crisis is China. Countries from all over the world continue receiving money from China. Thanks of this, many countries don’t get ruined. China keep working hard, selling stuff to the world, and opening business in any place of this planet . Will be China the next Empire? Spanish people will emigrate there?


The past year was the “Flu A” year. Medical Health Organization alerted about a dangerous disease which will kill a lot of people. We could not shake hands each other. Even we could not kiss each other. Every time one new case appeared, media scared us with the chance of being infected. Hospitals were packed of people who wanted being vaccinated. The alarm worked. All people were worried. This year found out all Medical Health Organization warnings were wrong. The other “Flu” was more deadly than “Flu A” and didn’t dye so much people like MHO predicted. After some investigations is told that all was a lye to earn money.

Accidents and Crimes:

12th January took place a awful earthquake with 7,3 on Richter scale that more than 150.000 people were killed . Survivors lost their homes and had not any food. More than 3 million people lived like this. Red Cross and many others NGOS moved there to help them.

In Spain the main concern continue being road accidents. Many people continue killing while driving . Most of them are young people. Violence was other sad issue in newspapers. Many women were killed by their husbands or boyfriends . Divorce, jealousy, male chauvinism continue being what cause violence . Anyway in Spain the main violent dead is suicide . More than three and half thousand people kill themseves each year.

Sports :

The great news came from South Africa where Spain won football world cup . They beat Holland’s dirty play and thanks of Iniesta’s goal got their first world cup . They played the nicest football in the history. Better than any other team, including Maradona’s Argentina, or Pele’s Brazil .

Tecnology :

Smart phones have been a real revolution . With one of them you can connect Internet in any place provided of WIFI . In fact this christmas phone companies have lost a lot of money because of Smart Phones, since on Networking sites such as “Facebook” or “Tuenti” , you can talk to people completely free . Anothers ways is using Skype or Msn Messenger through your Smart Phone. The question is: What will happen now with phones companies? Will get they into debt?
There was a fantastic news in Spain this month. PSOE wanted to pass a law to ban free downloads on Internet . Music and Movie Industry were upset for losing money because of so many hackers, like me, who never spend money in their services. However after voting, this law was rejected by the mayority of senators . So we can continue saving money through downloading free things on the Internet.

That’s all . What do you think? Is there any news which should be posted here? Write and send just under here. Goodbye and Happy New Year !!!

End of year in New York.

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