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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happy new year everybody !!! Just started 2011, and did it with great news in Spain . Tobacco Law came into effect . Finally non-smokers like me will get calm in bars, restaurants, discotheques, etc … We will not breathe smoke anymore. Now smokers will must to come out to smoke. This law bans to smoke near Hospitals, in children’s parks, or in front of High Schools. Smokers who don’t respect this law could be fined financially and owners of business would be fined too . I would like to talk about harmful effects of smoking .

Carbon Monoxide reduce the amount of oxigen which reach our diferent organs. This decrease can develop serious problems like Heart Attack or Brain Haemorrhage . Nicotine increase cardiac and respiratory rhythm, arterial pressure and coronary flow . Tobacco effects decrease pulmonary tissue elasticity . Smoke cause inflammation of respiratoy system and interfere in usual running of lungs .


Lung :

This is the most usual kind of cancer in smokers . Every year 1,2 million people develop this cancer in whole wide world. Some of them because of pollution . However the most of them because of being active or passive smokers .

Urinally : In active smokers is more probable suffer cancer of bladder, urethra, or kidneys .

Orally : Mouth cancer can develop only in active smokers .

Nasal Ducts : Nasal Ducts cancer is increasinly known in new cancer cases.

Pharynx : Pharynx cancer always was one of the most populcar cancer cases.

Esophagus : This is one of cancer more difficult to treat . Early detection is the most important thing to cure it .

Larynx : Is a very common cancer . It has good chance of beating .

Pancreas : Is a cancer hard to detect . Is one of the most deadly sort of cancer . 50% dead six weeks later . The chance of surviving five years later is about 1% .

Liver : The probability of living is over no more of six months . The only chance is a transplant .

Stomach : To beat stomach cancer is almost impossible since it advance fastly . The only chance is quit the whole stomach and living two more years with palliative cares .

Leukemia : Is possible to cure this disease . The point is detecting as soon as possible .

Moreover there is an organ specially damaged while smoking : Heart . Is more damaged than lungs . According to El Mundo Newspaper, 65% of heart attacks in young people in Spain were because of Tobacco.

In short, more than 50.000 people dye each year in Spain . 3.200 of them are passive smokers . In others countries Tobacco Law is in effect since many years ago . Studies have proved, thanks of this law the amount of deaths was reduced . I hope happen the same thing here .

Smokers are complaining because tell that they feel like plague victims . They ask for a place to can poison themselves . They think are being discriminated . They must know that they are plague victimis actually . They cause 3.200 deaths in Spain each year, so they have an infectious and deadly disease . For this reason they must be quit of the world . Far away of people who like breathe fresh air and live calm . They never respected us . They smoked and blew their smoke into our face . Now they ask for tolerance . Forget it !!! Go on with your suicide but let us keep living . All we know that smokers always were a real crap .

Tobbacoe report.

Tobacoe report 2.

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