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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Last day I listened to a song on the radio that attracted my attention. It told about a girl who said to her mother something like she didn’t want to study. She just wanted to party everyday especially at weekends of course. She said she would arrive late at home, nearly in the morning. She also said that she would dress like a , you know a prostitute. Her mother obviously was shocked. Her daughter continued to say is not use arguing because she was going to do what she likes. Another sentence of this song is in Spanish. It is: “mama, yo paso de todo” . This sentence means something like: “I don’t care anything” . After listening this song, I searched for the video on “youtube”. In the video this girl is arguing with her mother while wearing just some panties. And of course she after dresses like a prostitute at the discotheque. I really didn’t understand both the song and the video. I think that with this song/video is conveyed a wrong message for young people. The message is: you must have fun, enjoy, have sex, go parties and don’t be worried about your studies. Don’t you study because is more important partying, drinking, or having sex. The message is: “don’t follow your parents’ advise because they are wrong” . Just take all your time to have fun. At the end of the video this girl ties up her mother at a chair like if she would be kidnaped. Message: violence over your parents. I am sure many young people will not be influenced for this song and continue to study in order to get trained in the future as best as possible. They are going to live hard times because of this endless economic crisis. That is why they must take seriously their studies. However I am also sure there will be a lot of young people who will acept positively this song’s message. In fact, Spain is the third country in Europe regarding school failure after Malta and Portugal. I can’t understand how sometimes music industry do not worry about the consequences of this sort of songs. They are only interested in making money at any cost. This song is a great hit in European discotheques and radio charts. The group has achieved its goal. Now they are rich. But have they thought about how many teenagers will ruin their lives because of its song? Will be they worried as this happens? Do you think music industry fosters bad habits in young people? Write your comments freely. Just right down is the video of this song. And the complete transcript. Watch it but don’t follow its message. Goodbye !!!


Monday - Party!, Tuesday - Party!, Wednesday - Party!, OK!, Thursday - Party!
Friday - Party!, Weekend, weekend, weekend - Party! Wow!
 I'm telling to you mama, There is no need for drama, But I don't wanna study, I just wanna party
 I'm a nini mom; You know what a nini is? Don't wait for me awake, I'm going home late
Maybe at 5... maybe at 6., Look at me mom, I'm dressing like a... I just wanna party, party...
 Mama, yo paso de todo, Wow! Weekend - Party!, Wow!
 I'm telling to you mama, There is no need for a drama
But I don't wanna study, I just wanna party
 I'm a nini mom; You know what a nini is? Courtesy of
Don't wait for me awake, I'm going home late
Maybe at 5... maybe at 6., Look at me mom, I'm dressing like a... b*tch

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