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Friday, February 10, 2012


I am going to talk about AIDS. This disease attack our immune system, which is crucial for our survival. In fact, this disease causes death. This disease is communicable, that is, an infected person may spread it to others. The mains contact channels are blood, sperm, and vaginal flow. Many people think saliva, sweat or even breath also are contact channels to spread HIV. It is not true. However through kisses people could get infected if they have sores or wounds on their lips or tongues. Most risk sexual activities are vaginal penetration, anal penetration and oral sex.

The key to protect yourself against AIDS is the condon. It is not 100% safe but actually it is very effective in penetration intercourses. It must be correctly placed and it must be in perfect conditions. Anyway accidentes can happen. For example it can be broken or get stuck inside. Why young people don’t use condoms? According an interesting book that I have recently read called “communication about communicable diseases” writen by Linda K. Fuller, there are varius reasons. First young people say that the condon spoils romanticism. They are in love and want to enjoy the moment as best as they can. Condon obviously is a kind of obstacle to achieve that. Another reason is the role adopted by some women. Any woman fears to be labeled as a “bitch” . This is a major concern for her. That is why they adopt a role of a formal woman who barely has had sex. Some of them even show themselves as if they were virgins. If they would ask their partners to put a condom, they could think that they are not neither virgins or formal women, so finally they don’t dare to ask to their partners putting any condon. Other reason is lack of information. Many people think that a person who looks healthy or athletic can not be infected, so they accept having sex with him/her without condon. Many infected people can look healthy because virus has not been developed yet. Another fact is alcohol. Many young people in weekends have sex being drunk. As they are drunk don’t think about the risk of engaging in such dangerous activity of have sex with an unknown person without protection.

More than one thousand people dye each year in Spain because of this disease. Sometimes is difficult to understand how is possible after this data, some people say condons must not be used. Spain is a country with a high sexual activity according several studies. Spanish culture is rather ignorant and maybe this is the focus of the problem. Students should receive more conferences about AIDS in order to have a righ knowledge about this disease. Parents also should educate them as they are teenagers. And of course themselves should be interested in reading about it. What is clear is TV industry, Music industry and Movies industry are selling us sex all the time. These industries have realised sex gives them many money. What they should know is that such policy fosters promiscuity among people. In any case the main responsible always are yourself. Remember that famous sentence: “one minute of pleasure, all your life ruined” . Be responsible for your acts and take into account that an intercourse could cause you many problems if you practice it wrongly. Know that person as best as you can and as you are sure he/she is worht, go ahead.

That is all. I will write more about this topic in the future. As always thank your for your attention. Goodbye !!!

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