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Saturday, April 30, 2011


I read on Spain Stadistic National Institute website an interesting report. It told about how many women are killed each year by their partners, including married and unmarried people. Last year were seventy three. The worst time in the last past ten years was 2008 with seventy eight. Every year four million women are killed worldwide. A teacher called Rosaura Gonzalez tells mistreatment begins in the engagement. It use to be verbal aggressions in most cases. However women don’t use to give importance to this and they think the real violence happens in matrimony. Another women think is normal to be insulted every now and then by their boyfriends or husbands. Even threats are considered as something normal for them. Some of them even feel good having a jealous partner because that means he loves her a lot.

Why does domestic violence happen?

There is a profile of woman with many chance of being assaulted. Low self-esteem, low level of culture or poor economic enviroment, social and psychological isolation, drugs or alcohol consume, and having lived submissiveness previously for instance in her family with her parent or brothers.

Which kind of violence does exist?

There are three sort of violence on women. Physics, Psychic, and Sexual Violence. The first one consists of every action which can cause injuries on the woman body. The second one consists of causing damage in her psychological condition. To despise her, humiliater her, insult her or threatening can cause even more damage than Physics Violence. The third one is just to rape her or abusing her. Some abusers use this to punish her or sometimes to be reconciled after Physics Violence. Women who are mistreated for long time think they deserve themselves that. Because of cooking bad, wearing some unsuitable clothes, or talking with another man, is enough to be hit. They deny the reality through deceive themselves or by self-incrimination. Another women simply don’t report because of fear. Some of them were killed after doing this and don’t want to suffer the same thing. Women who dared to report them, didn’t feel save and the injunction was not respected.

How is the profile of the aggressor?

There is not a specific profile. Some of them are rich, poor, middle class. Others are alcoholic or drug addicts. Others are the opposite, great sportsmen, good workers and very smart. That intelligence is the point to get manipulate them.

How a woman can not notice that she is married with a such person?

It said when you fall in love you are blind. However over the years that woman should realise her soul mate maybe is not the right person. Since the first mistreatment she should finish her marriage. Usually a man who commit this kind of actions don’t love her and come back to do the same thing in the future.

How live this children this situation?

The suffer a lot of course. Sometimes they get confused since don’t understand why is happening that. As their mother defent to the father behaviour, sometimes they think it is normal and their mother deserve that. The worst thing is seeing this, boys learn to be abuser in the future.

Another thing to tell is nowdays spanish couples get married very soon. Their relationship before marriage don’t last more than one year in most cases. Sometimes is not enough time to meet each other. Most women when meet a man, just notice his physical. Maybe this happen because TV, Magazines and Films teach us this is really important. The most importan thing is that man is good-looking, strong, and has a lot of money, or at least a normal job. They don’t dedicate time to meet him inside. They just look outside.

Anyway this problem must be off. Can not be killed so many women every year. Is law quite right? Should it be reformed? Are women also guilty of their problem? Post a comment and tell me. Thank you !!!

Domestic Violence Spot (1) .

Domestic Violence Spot (2) .

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