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Sunday, April 10, 2011


Yesterday took place a demonstration in Madrid. It was organized by Terrorism Victimas Association. Since morning hundreds of buses from all over spain set off towards Madrid. Flags with messages like “no more truce” or “I go squealing, I come squealing” (remembering “Faisan’s case” in which the socialistic government helped to terrorists for not being detained) were waved around Madrid’s streets.

At six o’clock the reporter Isabel San Sebastian told:

“ we demand despite of the disguise used by the terrorists, they be condemned and stay for ever in jails “ .

After the several speeches all people kept a silence minut by the victims. There were people getting moved remembering their losts. After it was played a video about E.T.A. Terroristic Band and how it works.

The act ended with many balloons flying into the sky with the spanish anthem sounding.

All spanish are worried because E.T.A is trying to participate in the next elections. The goal is getting money to reorganize itself. Its politic party is called “Sortu” . For the moment, Sortu has been refused. But the process is still alive. They will keep trying it because know our current prime minister. They know Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is a little bit silly (apart of incompetent) and he could be convinced.

E.T.A. is about of ending. They have not any money. They have not enough people to battle. Even the most of Basque people do not believe in them. Even the majority of Basque people are against of them.

If they are practically dead, why give them any chance to survive? I am metaphorically speaking obviusly. I wish every member of E.T.A were dead. The worst thing is, some of them are still alive. The proof is what happened just yesterday in France. Two of them hurt a French policeman while running away. Finally they have been captured. Now they will decay in jail. I am very happy for this. So, this means they were trying to do something. Something bad of course. There are a few ignorants who still believe in the “independence” , and they will keep fighting. I hope our incompetent president be able to not being cheated and deal with them harshly. They are terrorists. The only place for a terrorist is the jail. Though if that terrorist killed people, his only place is Hell.

Demonstration's video.

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