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Saturday, April 16, 2011


Next week will take place “the holy week” in Spain. A typical tradition in which people represents those times as Christ was crucified. People get dressed with typical clothing of that time and carry heavy holy structures. They are called on Spanish as “Pasos” . There are several “pasos” which represents diferent moments of that time. For example: “the Judas’ kiss” , “the Passion” , “the last dinner” etc …

Above them you also can see Jesus crucified or the María her mother with sad face. Apart of “pasos” there are a lot of people parading. Music Bands which play sad music. Many people dressed up as “romans” or “penitents” . Every city of Spain has its own parade in holy week. A lot of tourists come to Spain to watch it, since there is not any holy parades like this in their countries. If you are thinking about visiting Spain in holy week I would recommend you go to Sevilla. I think is the best place to enjoy the experience. You could see famous “pasos” such as : “Jesús del gran poder” , “La Macarena” , “El cachorro” , “Cristo del los gitanos” etc. .. You also will can see how sevillan people lives holy week. Some of them even cry. In different moments some men or women sing “saetas” to the virgin. Music Bands stop playing music and all people get quiet . The songer always sing without music, just his voice. An amazing silent is formed as he sings. And as he ends, people cheer him and then parade go on.

On Friday you could see “la madrugá” . Sevillan people spend the whole night watching “pasos” around the Sevilla’s streets. In the dawn begins the most important day in the Sevilla’s holy week. The most important and nice “pasos” parade around the streets. People who spend the whole night watching “pasos” and carry on on the morning get tired as it is normal. However they consider it a kind of penance for them and above all they enjoy a lot seeing this amazing show. In holy week spanish people eat typical food called “torrijas” . They are some sweets made by bread and eggs. Very yummy.

Because of holy week we will have free days next week. This means we will don’t need go to work. Since Wednesday until Sunday many people will travel to see the holy week in different places around Spain. Others will travel to enjoy a little holidays on the beach. They go far away for a few days. It is really worth? Every year dye many people in such trips. Moreover this year there is another important event which will cause even more trips. The King Cup Final of football. Barcelona and Real Madrid will play each other to get this prized trophy. The final will take place in Valencia. Good place to having holidays and see holy week too. Anyway I urge people to use public transport or if you are going to drive, have a rest from time to time, do not drink alcohol and be careful while driving.

And of course, you can write anything about holy week on my blog. Now I leave you with three videos about holy week in Sevilla. I hope you enjoy. Thanks and happy holy week beloved penances.

Cristo de las tres caidas


Saeta ( la madrugá )

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