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Monday, September 13, 2010


The news of this week is about children abuse into the catholic church. Belgian church revealed four hundred and seventy five cases reported since 1930 to 2010. Some of them were over two years old children . These abuse were commited by priests, religion teachers and monitors. According to Belgian church report, thirteen children killed themselves because of it . The most of reports were made just after bishop’s resignation Roger Vangheluwe. He admited that he had commited abuses to his nephew. He started to do this as his nephew was five years old and continued until he was eighteen years old. Four hundred and seventy five are a lot of children. However according to Belgian press, it could be one thousand cases. Two thirds of the victims were men and one third were women. The most abuses were made by Flemish religious community who is more powerful than French-speacking community. A Commission headed by Adriaenssens got to identify one hundred and eighty four rapists of those abuses. However three hundred and twenty could not be convicted because of not having enough evidence.

This is a sad news I know. I thought put up it because this kind of behaviour should end into the catholic church for ever. There have been a lot of abuses in many churches yet. Is time to finish this problem I think. Catholic Church should do something to prevent this for ever. They should know that remaining silent is not the solution. Ordering silent to children is not the solution. To prevent reports is not the solution either. This thing can not repeat again. Not anymore. In Belgium thirteen children killed themselves, but: How many would have killed themselves worldwide? Maybe we will never know this. Anyway is enough. I hope those rapists serve for many years in jail. I hope they suffer and pay for it. I hope they ended up in Hell. What do you think? Write your comments about it. Bye !!!!

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