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Thursday, September 9, 2010


Internet was born on 1990 and it was a real revolution. All kind of information is there. It is a kind of universal encyclopedia. You can do all sort of things and there are many people. Is expected that there will be two millions users in 2016. I would like to talk about things that you can do on the Internet.


Nowdays Internet is very useful for students because they search what they need. You just have to write on “GOOGLE” whatever you want. If you are studying languages Internet is very useful. There are hundreds of webs that you can learn a lot. Some students even find exams, notes, or homework. Doing this is cheating, so I am not going to recommend this thing.


If you are a freelance you will know what is working from you home. You just need your computer and Internet connection of course. Working from your house is very comfy. You can wake up whenever you want, having a break, or even eating while you are working. And the most important thing is that you have not to stand your manager.

Go Shopping.

Many people use Internet to go shopping. You can buy all sort of things from you home. You fill out a form, put your number credit card, and a few days later you will receive your buy. If you hate crowd and women pushing you for getting that shirt which you are holding, this thing would be a good alternative. I prefer to see carefully my buy though I gotting in danger for being ran over by any people. Auctions are common on several webs. People sell their cloths, bycicles, MP3, computers, or any sort of things.

Arranging holidays.

Travel Agencies lose hundreds millions Euros because of people organize their holidays on the Net. You can find your ideal place just clicking and when you do, you have to fill out a form with your information. You put your credit card number and print the booking. You can book your accommodation or your trip. You need not a travel agency anymore. It is very easy and cheaper of course.


The majority of people download music, films, videogames, software, etc … There are many webs to get free things. P2p programs are very common and they are the most used. Because of Internet there are many companies losting money. Performers ask for government that they ban downloads so that people come back cinemas and Music Shops again. What government should do? If they ban downloads, maybe music, films, programs and videogames should be cheaper. When downloads become banned, Film and Music Industry will reduce their prizes? I think no. So I will carry on getting free things on the Net. I am sorry performers.

Meeting People.

All of us have an email account and a messenger program which use to chat with our relatives and friends. On these programs you can keep audio and video conversations. It is cheaper than using mobile phone. If you live far away from your family you can use this kind of programs. If you do, you will save a lot of money. Another people use chats, blogs, or networking sites to meet new people. On chats you can find interesting people even your soul mate, but be careful, there are a lot of liars. Some people have become disappointed as they met their on-line friend. Another even became bankrupt because they were swindled. On the saturday night you also can meet liars and dangerous people though you can see their face and ask for help if you are in trouble. However on the Net you are completely helpless. My advice would be: never give to nobody your account number or credit card, nor your real name, address, or any kind or personal information. If one day you decide meeting your on-line friend, you must choose a safe place with a lot of people. You are going to be with a stranger, so be careful.

Looking for a Flat.

A lot of students use it to get their accommodation. In the past people used advertisements on the newspapers. Nowdays is easier to use Internet. Firstly because you need not going out to buy any newspaper. You just have to “clicking” and you will find a lot of advertisements with pictures and things like that. If you are going to travel abroad this thing is very useful. You can talk to your landlord by email, Skype or Messenger and arrange all the details for when you arrive there.

Reading Newspapers.

Newspapers Industry is losing money since people prefer reading on the Internet. Why? Obviously, it is free. And we are having a horrible economy, so this is a good idea. You can read papers and magazines from all over the world. I am favor of this because of my ecological mind. Papers are made by wood and very trees are cut down. When you have finished one magazine you just throw it into the rubbish. If you use Internet to read you will save a lot of trees.

Playing Games.

Do you like Poker? If you do you can play on the Net and earn a lot of money. You also could lose it though. You can play all kind of games. Cards games, Trivial Games, Ludo, Chess, etc … Another people play videocames through the Net. They compete each other and it is another way to make new friends. This is very common in Japan where many teenagers remain the whole day at their room. They are called “Hikikomori” and their only friends are “Hikikomori” too. This is not a good idea I think. It is important to socialize and breathing fresh air from time to time.

There will be more things to do on the Internet I suppose. I wrote some of them. If you know more stuff write your comment. What do you think? Is Internet useful, dangerous, bored or funny? Have you happened something interesting to tell? You can write whatever you want. Thanks. Bye !!!

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