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Thursday, September 9, 2010



The last time that I cried because of my team was in EEUU 94 championship. After seeing how Salinas failed completely alone in front of Pagliuca, how Tasoti broke him nose to Luis Enrique in the most clear penaltye throughout the history and how Italy won unjustly with its typical “catenazzio” than bored for everyone. All spanish got angry and Italy began to head the most hated team list. Now they have lost the first position because of Holland, which after its bad football that did the eleventh June, they will head that list for many time. Anybody hoped that strategy. They were known like the “mechanics orange”, and its said that they play just like Spain, but no, on the contrary.

“You Guys, Listen, goal is get the penalties. If we are lucky in any counterattack it’s ok, but the main goal is get penalties. And very important, we must injure as spanish players as possible. If we intimidate them, they will not dare to play the ball. Hit them as hard as possible and injure Xabi or Iniesta, please” .

These probably were words which his trainer told them at the changing room some minuts before to go out to field. Never was seen any like that. Not even Italy played so harchly in any championschip. Spain trusted that referee stopped that kind of hard game. But referee had got stricts orders by F.I.F.A.

“Holland has already reached two finals and they deserve to win. Moreover you know that Blatter and me dislike Spain since many years ago. We are going to get plenty of money if Holland wins, so referee craftily and get the Holland’s win. (said Platini) .

FIFA have always been worried about football-show so they should send off teams like Holland or Italy from all sort of championships. However we will carry on watching “catenazzio” and incompetents referees ruining this beautiful game. Just like all championships, once again Spain had to play against twelve. Usually is impossible to win as there are that kind of cheaters. Because of this “the red team” has so merit for beating to everyone. FIFA’s antipathy for Spain returned to happen when they appointed the best football player throughtout championship. Diego Forlan was awarded. I think that this prize should be awarded to Iniesta though could have been for Xabi, Busquets, Casillas, Puyol, Piqué, Pedrito, Sergio Ramos …

I still remember Jose Ramon de la Morena’s words when Spain was knocked out from Germany Championship:

“Be calm, never mind, there is a good team. They are still so young, but this team is going to succeed” .

This good chap was watching them since Brunete’s Championships . These words sounded like a consolation but they were so right. Luis Aragones (another man who was criticized all the time) knew teach them to forget that loser complex, taught them to fight, to believe in themselves and taught them to win. Germany Championship was the first moment, two years later they would win their second Eurocopa in Viena.

During overtime I thought that would return to cry for helplessness, sadness, and frustration. I thought in so many clear goal-scoring opportunity, so many referee’s mistakes, and my instinct said that another unfair defeat was going to arrive. This would be the most unfair defeat throughout Spain’s history in championships. However God wanted to be fair this time and let that Cesc sent a good ball to Iniesta, who was completely alone because of a Van der Vart’s mistake. This use to happen when a forward is put as defender. That moment in which he places ball, it is going down, he hit it, goalkeeper touch it, ball get into the goal, referee remains looking to linesman, linesman point center, and finally referee point center too, was very long for me. And then I had to get out all my accumulated tension. I threw myself to the ground, cried, hugged my fathers, put my head out of the window and cried loudly “VIVA ESPAÑA” three times. In the third cry I lost my voice. The last six minuts were very long until finally this english referee ended the match. I broke into tears just like Casillas . It was said that as you are in front of death, you can see all your life in a few seconds. In that moment I can see all the injustices lived in so many championships and seeing that boys celebrating touched my feelings. They worth it. There is justice. Spain is worldwide champion.

I wanna talk about all spanish journalists (this is the worst thing) who criticized so many times to Spain. The most recent case was with Casillas. He doesn’t replied in front of a microphone, he answered at field and got to close many mouths. To “Corriere de lo Sport” Newspaper from Italy, who opened its frontpage the next day to Spain started championship by “Thank you Switzerland” . To one young boy from Cadiz who came to Pamplona for having fun and was stabbed just for wearing the Spain’s team shirt. They told him: “spanish of crap go to your country” .

I suppose that they were Basque or Catalan independence supporters. Never mind, all of them are the same shit. All of them must know that nowdays they are spanish people and they will carry on being until the Final Judgment day. Ah, I am sorry for these sad days that they are spending. They are very sorrowful because they could not hold the Spain’s defeat. As Maradona said:


Report of the match.

Iniesta's goal.

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