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Saturday, April 30, 2011


I read on Spain Stadistic National Institute website an interesting report. It told about how many women are killed each year by their partners, including married and unmarried people. Last year were seventy three. The worst time in the last past ten years was 2008 with seventy eight. Every year four million women are killed worldwide. A teacher called Rosaura Gonzalez tells mistreatment begins in the engagement. It use to be verbal aggressions in most cases. However women don’t use to give importance to this and they think the real violence happens in matrimony. Another women think is normal to be insulted every now and then by their boyfriends or husbands. Even threats are considered as something normal for them. Some of them even feel good having a jealous partner because that means he loves her a lot.

Why does domestic violence happen?

There is a profile of woman with many chance of being assaulted. Low self-esteem, low level of culture or poor economic enviroment, social and psychological isolation, drugs or alcohol consume, and having lived submissiveness previously for instance in her family with her parent or brothers.

Which kind of violence does exist?

There are three sort of violence on women. Physics, Psychic, and Sexual Violence. The first one consists of every action which can cause injuries on the woman body. The second one consists of causing damage in her psychological condition. To despise her, humiliater her, insult her or threatening can cause even more damage than Physics Violence. The third one is just to rape her or abusing her. Some abusers use this to punish her or sometimes to be reconciled after Physics Violence. Women who are mistreated for long time think they deserve themselves that. Because of cooking bad, wearing some unsuitable clothes, or talking with another man, is enough to be hit. They deny the reality through deceive themselves or by self-incrimination. Another women simply don’t report because of fear. Some of them were killed after doing this and don’t want to suffer the same thing. Women who dared to report them, didn’t feel save and the injunction was not respected.

How is the profile of the aggressor?

There is not a specific profile. Some of them are rich, poor, middle class. Others are alcoholic or drug addicts. Others are the opposite, great sportsmen, good workers and very smart. That intelligence is the point to get manipulate them.

How a woman can not notice that she is married with a such person?

It said when you fall in love you are blind. However over the years that woman should realise her soul mate maybe is not the right person. Since the first mistreatment she should finish her marriage. Usually a man who commit this kind of actions don’t love her and come back to do the same thing in the future.

How live this children this situation?

The suffer a lot of course. Sometimes they get confused since don’t understand why is happening that. As their mother defent to the father behaviour, sometimes they think it is normal and their mother deserve that. The worst thing is seeing this, boys learn to be abuser in the future.

Another thing to tell is nowdays spanish couples get married very soon. Their relationship before marriage don’t last more than one year in most cases. Sometimes is not enough time to meet each other. Most women when meet a man, just notice his physical. Maybe this happen because TV, Magazines and Films teach us this is really important. The most importan thing is that man is good-looking, strong, and has a lot of money, or at least a normal job. They don’t dedicate time to meet him inside. They just look outside.

Anyway this problem must be off. Can not be killed so many women every year. Is law quite right? Should it be reformed? Are women also guilty of their problem? Post a comment and tell me. Thank you !!!

Domestic Violence Spot (1) .

Domestic Violence Spot (2) .

Friday, April 22, 2011


Last week I told you about Holy Week. And I especially told you about how holy week is celebrated in Sevilla. Today I am telling you about this wonderful city. It is one of the most large cities in Spain and visited. It has the larger city historic centre in which you could see things that I will tell you later. Since “Expo-92” was held there, Sevilla has improved city’s imfraestructure. There are buses, trains, (AVE) subway or tube, and so on. Sevilla has one of the best weather of Europe. Spring and Summer is really hot with some days with 40 degrees Celsius. Autumn and Winter with no much cold ( about 10º ) and even some sunny days of 20 degrees Celsius.

A lot of tourists spend their holidays in Sevilla. If you were a tourist, which places should visit?

Sevilla has the Gothic cathedral larger in whole wide world. It was declared cultural heritage by UNESCO. Along it is another major building such as “La Giralda” , “El Patio de los Naranjos” and “La Capilla Real” . In all these buildings you can see major worksart such as paintings or sculptures and the Cristobal Colon’s grave. “La Giralda” is the most representative city tower. It has one hundred and four metres tall and twenty five church bells. You also can visit “Los Reales Alcazares” . Sevilla’s fortress is the most ancient palace in Europe. It was built by Arabs and obviusly has the typical Arabs features. The nicest place is “El Patio de las Doncellas” .

You also should visit “Archivo de Indias” , “Plaza España” , “Arcada Central” , “Antigua Audiencia” , “Museo de Bellas Artes” and “The Town Hall” .

Another place where tourists like walking around is “Barrio de Santa Cruz” . It is an ancient place of medieval Jewis. Narrow and white streets where you will can see typical Sevillan houses with a lot of flowers decorating its facades.

Sevilla is the Art city. There is a mayor theatre called “Teatro de la Maestranza” where are played plays, concerts, operas and so on. It was built because of “Expo 92” . Another major theatres are “Auditorio Municipal Rocio Jurado” , “Teatro Lope de Vega” , and “Teatro Central” . You will can visit more than twenty museums each focused on a specific subject.

Flamenco music is the typical style which have made known Sevilla in whole wide world especially by the famous songer “Camaron de la Isla” . Now you could see another major play guitar called “Paco de Lucía” .

Another kind of music is “Sevillanas” . They are typical dancing of the city where women dress typical and beautiful dress with colorful dots. Man dress typical suits with the characteristic Sevillan Hat.

The main events in Sevilla are “Holy Week” , “Sevilla’s Festival” , ( also known as “April’s Festival” ) , and “Corpus Christi” . Another typical thing is “bullfighting” . The bullring is called “La Maestranza” and you could see that embarrassing spanish tradition.

About sporting places you could visit “the Olimpic Stadium”, “Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium” , and “Benito Villamarín Stadium” . In these last stadiums play Sevilla and Betis respectively. Sevillan people live football very intensely. Sevilla and Betis supporters don’t get on with each other. Each of them want to represent the city and desire the worst thing for their eternal rival.

Don’t forget to see Guadalquivir River. You even could sail on it. You also can sail on Sevilla’s River Port.

You will feel good in this city because Sevillan people are very friendly and funny. Sevillan women are really beautiful and some spanish people tell, they are the nicest women in Spain. Be careful, you could fall in love and don’t come back to your city anymore.

Enjoy “Mediterranean Diet” with a lot of delicius things like “Gazpacho” , “spanish ham” , “cocido andaluz” , “fish fried” etc …

And drinks like “Tinto de verano” , “Fino de Jerez” , “Manzanilla” and beer of course.

Dancing “Sevillanas”

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Next week will take place “the holy week” in Spain. A typical tradition in which people represents those times as Christ was crucified. People get dressed with typical clothing of that time and carry heavy holy structures. They are called on Spanish as “Pasos” . There are several “pasos” which represents diferent moments of that time. For example: “the Judas’ kiss” , “the Passion” , “the last dinner” etc …

Above them you also can see Jesus crucified or the María her mother with sad face. Apart of “pasos” there are a lot of people parading. Music Bands which play sad music. Many people dressed up as “romans” or “penitents” . Every city of Spain has its own parade in holy week. A lot of tourists come to Spain to watch it, since there is not any holy parades like this in their countries. If you are thinking about visiting Spain in holy week I would recommend you go to Sevilla. I think is the best place to enjoy the experience. You could see famous “pasos” such as : “Jesús del gran poder” , “La Macarena” , “El cachorro” , “Cristo del los gitanos” etc. .. You also will can see how sevillan people lives holy week. Some of them even cry. In different moments some men or women sing “saetas” to the virgin. Music Bands stop playing music and all people get quiet . The songer always sing without music, just his voice. An amazing silent is formed as he sings. And as he ends, people cheer him and then parade go on.

On Friday you could see “la madrugá” . Sevillan people spend the whole night watching “pasos” around the Sevilla’s streets. In the dawn begins the most important day in the Sevilla’s holy week. The most important and nice “pasos” parade around the streets. People who spend the whole night watching “pasos” and carry on on the morning get tired as it is normal. However they consider it a kind of penance for them and above all they enjoy a lot seeing this amazing show. In holy week spanish people eat typical food called “torrijas” . They are some sweets made by bread and eggs. Very yummy.

Because of holy week we will have free days next week. This means we will don’t need go to work. Since Wednesday until Sunday many people will travel to see the holy week in different places around Spain. Others will travel to enjoy a little holidays on the beach. They go far away for a few days. It is really worth? Every year dye many people in such trips. Moreover this year there is another important event which will cause even more trips. The King Cup Final of football. Barcelona and Real Madrid will play each other to get this prized trophy. The final will take place in Valencia. Good place to having holidays and see holy week too. Anyway I urge people to use public transport or if you are going to drive, have a rest from time to time, do not drink alcohol and be careful while driving.

And of course, you can write anything about holy week on my blog. Now I leave you with three videos about holy week in Sevilla. I hope you enjoy. Thanks and happy holy week beloved penances.

Cristo de las tres caidas


Saeta ( la madrugá )

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Yesterday took place a demonstration in Madrid. It was organized by Terrorism Victimas Association. Since morning hundreds of buses from all over spain set off towards Madrid. Flags with messages like “no more truce” or “I go squealing, I come squealing” (remembering “Faisan’s case” in which the socialistic government helped to terrorists for not being detained) were waved around Madrid’s streets.

At six o’clock the reporter Isabel San Sebastian told:

“ we demand despite of the disguise used by the terrorists, they be condemned and stay for ever in jails “ .

After the several speeches all people kept a silence minut by the victims. There were people getting moved remembering their losts. After it was played a video about E.T.A. Terroristic Band and how it works.

The act ended with many balloons flying into the sky with the spanish anthem sounding.

All spanish are worried because E.T.A is trying to participate in the next elections. The goal is getting money to reorganize itself. Its politic party is called “Sortu” . For the moment, Sortu has been refused. But the process is still alive. They will keep trying it because know our current prime minister. They know Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is a little bit silly (apart of incompetent) and he could be convinced.

E.T.A. is about of ending. They have not any money. They have not enough people to battle. Even the most of Basque people do not believe in them. Even the majority of Basque people are against of them.

If they are practically dead, why give them any chance to survive? I am metaphorically speaking obviusly. I wish every member of E.T.A were dead. The worst thing is, some of them are still alive. The proof is what happened just yesterday in France. Two of them hurt a French policeman while running away. Finally they have been captured. Now they will decay in jail. I am very happy for this. So, this means they were trying to do something. Something bad of course. There are a few ignorants who still believe in the “independence” , and they will keep fighting. I hope our incompetent president be able to not being cheated and deal with them harshly. They are terrorists. The only place for a terrorist is the jail. Though if that terrorist killed people, his only place is Hell.

Demonstration's video.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today I could read an

interesting research

about single and married

people in Spain.

According to Stadistic National

Institute of Spain there are

the following data:


2009: 174.062

2008: 194.022

2000: 216.451


2010: 8.285.300

2009: 8.300.300

2008: 8.371.500

2005: 7.817.100


2009: 106.166

2008: 118.939

2000: 99.474


2009: 494.997

2008: 519.779

2000: 397.632

There are not officials data about 2010. Just the number of single people. Last year it lowered. However since 2005 it has grown. With Divorce happens the same thing. Many couples end their marriage on the first twenty four months. What is the problem? Living together, maybe? Marriages are decreasing in the late years as you can see on the research. There is another interesting report on this blog about weddings cost in Spain which you can read if you like. All we know get married is expensive. Buying a house is expensive too. Having children is as expensive as buying a housing. Maybe all these costs scary spanish single people, since we are living crisis time. For them get married is to start a risky adventure in which they will have to work hard to pay a lot of debts. And maybe one day men will lost all because of separation. You know divorce favors women in Spain. Law is made to favor economically and to give them their children. Maybe women don’t trust men either. Not for losting their ownership and money but for staying alone with children and being in charge of feed themselves. Maybe spanish youngs don’t believe in love anymore. Just in sex. In sporadic sex with new people each time. How about birth? If birthrate keep decreasing Spain will get in debts. Is normal in crisis time people act like this. But, which can be the consequences of this behaviour? What should be changed to solve this problem? Let me know.

Spanish singles

Spanish singles having fun

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Abort is permited in Spain. Congress passed the law in 1999. This law tells to abort is possible during the first fourteen weeks and eight weeks more if there is a risk for the pregnant woman or severe fetus malformation. However not all people agree. Politic parties as “Partido Popular” , NGOS such as “Provida” and Spanish Catholic Church turn against of this law. This law also permits teenagers of sixteen years old can abort without parents’ authorization. There were 112.138 aborts in 2007, 115.812 in 2008 and 111.482 in 2009.

There are two sort of aborts. Firstly by drugs such as Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Secondly by an surgical operation. In this case Doctors use methods like “dilation” or “aspiration” . In both cases Doctors take little pieces of the child like arms, legs, half head, etc …

In Europe happens the same thing. There were 2.9 million cases in the whole Europe in 2008. This means there is an abort every thirty seconds.

We live in the sex society. Sex desire come to our mind through TV, music, Theatre, Magazines, Advertisements, etc … Increasingly people quit to believe in love and future marriage. For the most of people, especially teenagers, sex is just a way to have fun. It is not a feeling. Many young people go out every weekend to meet their sexual partners, many times strangers ( people who met thirty minuts ago ) . Many people change their sexual partner every week or even everyday. Sometimes they are drunk and decide not using condoms to enjoy more. When one of these women get pregnant, their possible fathers do not like to assume the responsibility. Other times the girl does not know who he is. Then the most thing to do is to abort. If this girl would not be a “bith” , she would not need to to this. I know there are a lot of bithes in Spain. What can we do for them? Education is very important to help them. In High Schools there should be talks by Doctors, psychologists, or social workers that inform them about abort’s consecuences. One of them are menthal diseases in which women end up in a lunatic asylum because of conscience problems for made such murder.

If you are a woman and you are a bitch you can enjoy having sex with people so many times as you like. Just use condoms. If you get pregnant, you have to know, there are a lot of couples in Spain that can not having children and they would like to adopt. Choose one of these ways to do, but not kill innocent children anymore. Please.

Informacion sobre el aborto.

Aborto en España.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


The nineth of March took place a terrible earthquake in Japan with a magnitude of 9,0 what became the most intense on its history. After the earthquake a Tsunami with waves between four and ten metres swept away cars and buildings. For the moment there have been 7.348 people were killed and 10.947 missing.

There are fivety one nuclear power station in Japan. There were three that were affected. The most serious accident happened in Fukushima. There were an explosion and its refrigeration systems failed and there is a risk of radioactive leak. Many people are being evacuated. Workes who are controling the leak probably will dye because of their exposure to the radiation. They are named “The Fukushima’s Heroes” since they work to save the japan people despite of they know that are going to dye. They knew this since the first moment but they decided to dye for save their country, and probably the world.

More than 1,5 million people lost their water and electricity supply. State of emergency have been declared in Japan in what their prime minister described a similar situation to the second world war.

People are worried because of one possible propagation of radioactive for all over the world. For the moment many countries don’t buy japan things.

This event reopened nuclear debate. There are a lot of nuclear power stations around the world. Germany is going to close some of them. Will do the same thing another countries? Closing power stations will cause the lost of money of many businessmen who are very weatthy but they like more money and they are not worried for destroying a country since they can live in a heavenly island the rest of their life. Prime Ministers of many countries around the world are worried too. If they would have to close this kind of business, part of the economy of their countries would ruin too.

What is the point? Japan always was a place with risk of earthquakes. Why a place like this have fivety one power stations? Didn’t they think about one day could happen this thing? Maybe they did, however just thought in money and that thing didn’t care. That thing is a serious one. Many people dead and missing. And by now we don’t know what is going to happen. Could cause this kind of business the end of the world? Am I exaggerating? I don’t know. You can write your mind sending comments. Goodbye !!!

Video of Tsunami.


Saturday, March 5, 2011



Past month was carnival. Many people from all over the world dressed with outrageous fancy dress. The most famous carnivals around the world are in Rio de Janeiro. A lot of tourists visit it each year. There are many samba schools which parade on the “sambodromo” . There is jury who takes care of marking their fancy dresses and dancing. Samba schools train the whole year for this moment. Their fancy dresses and floats lead a hard work. Dancers are trained many hours a day for whole year. Finally the great moment starts. The samba school that gets more points will be the winner.
There is party all day in Rio during carnivals. Concerts, Discotheques, Bars, and people dancing samba in every place of the street. If you like having fun, Rio de Janeiro Carnivals would be an interesting place to enjoy.

Rio de Janeiro is in fashion. Olimpic games will be hold there in 2016. Two years earlier Football World Cup will be celebrated too. So in close years Brazil is going to be “the sport country” . Soccer is the main sport in Brazil. This country have always made football stars which succeeded in the most important teams of Europe. Its national football team is the most powerful due to the quality of their players. Brazil has won five football world cups. This time they play at home so could be their chance.

If you travel to Rio, you should visit “the redeemer Christ” . It is a statue located to seven hundred nine metres above sea level since is over the top of “Corcovado Mountain” . It was made in 1922 ordered by Isabel Princess. From there you can see amazing views. Another holy place to visit is “Maracana Stadium” . It is a real cathedral of football. I hope to watch spain winning the final world cup there in two thousand sixteen.

Though if you visit Brazil you can’t return without seeing another wonder of nature. I am talking about “Iguazu Falls” . They are located in Iguazú National Park, in the Paraná state. They are among Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. They are formed by Iguazú River and you can sail over it. There are two hundred and seventy five jumps. The most high is over eighty meters and it is named “Devil’s throat” .

In 1984 Iguazú National Park was declared as a patrimony of humanity and is visited for a lot of people everyday.

If you have planned travel to Brazil just for holidays be careful. Brazilian women are very beautiful and you could fall in love and settle definitely there. Though, would not be this a great reason to change your place of residence?

Write whatever you want about Brazil posting comments on my blog. Goodbye !!!

Carnaval Sambodromo Rio de Janeiro.

Cataratas Iguazu.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Young people who don’t study and don’t work are called “Generacion Ni-Ni” in Spain. “Ni” means “no” . That is: “no study – no work” . In english would be “No-No Generation” more or less.

Last day I read on “El Pais” about scholastic failure in Spain. About 30% quit studies before ending . We are the country with more cases around Europe. There is an interesting website where you can find more information:

Fourty thousands young people smoke joints or roaches in Spain according to Drugs National Plan Government . Two joints everyday more or less . This habit cause memory problems, shortage attention and other methal problems.

Another reason is social family situation for young people . Spanish parents lead a stressful life working many hours a day . They can not look after or pay attention them. Since they are children, spend the most day in nurseries, high-school, libraries, or study clubs . Others as they finish their classes come back home and spend the rest of the day alone . What do they do? Some of them are very responsible and do their homework or study for exams . However the most of them, since they are alone, spend the whole evening watching TV, listening to music, playing videogames or chatting on Facebook, Messenger or Skype. Others prefer to go out with their friends to smoke joints . The most important thing is they spend their childhood and adolescence without parental attention. Without parental affection. These both things cause scholastic failure .

Moreover young people at that time only think in having fun. The weekend is time to go dancing and flirting, so they go out every Friday and every Saturday the whole night. Obviusly after that, they spend the whole morning sleeping. About 80% get drunk every weekend. This habit cause more problems to concentrate in classes or memoryze while studying. Furthermore most of them will develop alcoholism in the near future . They begin to have intercourse since fourteen years old, some of them even early. When they fall in love they can not concentrate since they spend the whole day thinking about their baby or talking by mobile phone. These intercourse in youngs cause infectious diseases and unwanted pregnancies. There were 111.482 abortions in 2010 . Most of them by young people.

Some students think studying is useless because of current economic situation. They know universtity graduates who did not find any job after studying. So they are not motivated.

As you see there are many reasons which cause scholastic failure. What do you think about this? Who is the guilty? Which would be the solution of this problem? Write your comments just below here.

Spanish young mistreating his parents.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I am going to talk about spanish films. Last Sunday took place “Goya’s Ceremony” . There were movies such as “The rain too” or “Buried” which won three Goyas each . Buried is over a engineer working in Irak . He is kidnaped and wake up inside a coffin .
He just has a mobil phone to get leaving . It sounds terrific . I even get claustrofobia right now . The second one is “The rain too” . It is a history about a movie director who films a history about Cristobal Colon in Cochabamba (Bolivia) . While he is filming break out the famous “water war” . A war which took place because of privatization of the city water system in 2000 . This film tells how important is water and how indigenous people fight once again to defend their rights , just same than 500 years ago . The most succesful film was “Pa Negre” which won nine Goyas . Is about the sad spanish civil war . There is a child in Cataluña who one day finds two corpses . They are a man and his son . Autorities try to blame to his father of these deads . This child tries to find out who killed them .

There have been a lot of great spanish films . I am a fan of spanish movies . I remember great works of Alex de la Iglesia such as “La comunidad” or “El dia de la Bestia” . One female Director is Itziar Bollain who did nice films like “Hola estas sola?” , “Flores de otro mundo” or “Te doy mis ojos” . Another interesting film is “Lobo” by Miguel Courtous which tells about a man who is infiltrated into a terroristic band called E.T.A. “Camino” by “Javier Fesser” is another nice and sad film . Juan Antonio Bayona and Guillermo del toro did a fantastic film called “El orfanato” which was succesful in Goya awards 2007 . Anyway my favorite Director is Amenabar . He has done fantastic works such as “Tesis” , “Abre los ojos” , “Los otros” , “Mar adentro” and his last one “Agora” .

I recommend you all these movies to watch . We have got the best Movies Directors around the world and the best performers too, I think . We have not more money than Hollywood Industry, but we have got talent . And this is the most important thing . What will happen with our movies in the next future? Will win we any Oscar? Which is your favorite spanish film? Send your comments on this blog . Thank you .

Pa Negré Film

Film's scene

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Last week I attended one interesting lecture by Anonymous Alcoholic . I learnt some interesting things about alcoholims problem . Firstly a reabilitated alcoholic told about how was his life in the past . He lost control over his life while drinking . He lost his job and his family . He spent thirty years addicted . Later a man talked about her woman . She was alcoholic for many years and he told how this problem affects a family . Finally was the turn of a Doctor called “Vicente Madocz” . One expert Doctor who has been dealing with alcoholics for more than fourty years . He said alcoholism is a disease . An incurable disease which can have treatment and be controlated . However this disease ever can be cured . An alcoholic ever can be in touch with alcohol . Even he can not be in any bar or place where there is alcohol, for example a supermarket . Alcohol always will be his enemy and he will have to fight all of his life .

I read more things about alcohol on the Internet . For example, there is more than three million of alcoholic people in Spain in order to “ El Pais ” newspaper .

46% of homicides ( 644 ) and 25% of suicides ( 855 ) happen because of drinking alcohol . Moreover last year 1734 spanish people died because of driving . Probably most of them drank alcohol while driving . There is an interesting book called “practice guide treating alcoholism” written by Gabriel Rubio and Joaquin Santo Domingo teachers of University of Madrid . It tells interesting data like alcohol cause 70% of cirrhosis, 42% acute pancreatitis, 75 % of esophagus cancer, 50% of malignant tumors, and a lot of menthal diseases . Because of all these diseases 4.824 spanish people dye each year .

In all, 13.000 spanish people dye each year because of issue related to alcohol . Spain is the number one country in “Binge Drinking” . The most of young people use to get drunk every weekend . Sadly this is a typical spanish custom . It could be our national sport . People who drink one day a week is alcoholic too . This means that there is more alcoholic people in Spain than just three million .

Alcohol is a drug . Some Doctors say that is the most dangerous drug . However this drug is legalized just same than Tobacco . Why two so dangerous drugs are not banned? Is most important earn money? If these drugs are going to be permited, why don’t legalize Cocaina, Heroina or others drugs? I would like to know . Goodbye !!!

Bingue Drinking Report

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today I was surfing the net and found an article about weddings in Spain . It told weddings decreased since this world crisis started . I read prizes and understood why people don’t marry . The link is:

The first most interesting thing is wedding dress . The woman’s wedding dress costs among 1.030 and 7.200 euros . The man’s wedding suit costs among 510 and 2.850 euros. Men always were cheaper . Moreover man’s wedding suit could be used another times . However the woman’s wedding dress is a smart white dress like a princess . No one dress like this another times I think . Though maybe Lady Gaga would do it . Could you see make-up and hairdressers expenses? Among 100 and 750 euros . Another expensive thing is wedding ring . Some people pay about 2.200 euros though there are cheaper rings for 120 euros . Depends on How you love your fiancée . In every wedding is celebrated a kind of show which costs among 400 and 2.900 euros . The mass, a music band, flowers, etc …I name this kind of shows : “circus” .
Anyway the most expensive thing is “the wedding reception” . Among 6.350 and 16.200 euros !!! Incredible !!! A lot of people will eat nice food while a band music play popular songs . And finally honeymoon . It depends on the place choosen, though use to be among 1.200 and 6.000 euros . In all, a typical spanish wedding use to costs among 10.800 and 42.300 euros . However only a few people spend less than 20.000 euros . Madrid and Valencia are the most expensive places where costs 22.000 and 21.500 euros . The cheaper places are Extremadura and Canarias where costs 16.350 and 16.200 respectively . Whatever for the most happy day of your life .
After a couple is married they start to living together . The need a home so they buy a house . Why? Because spanish people thinks that they never could live in a renting house . If they do, people would think that they are poor . You know, this is typical spanish ignorance . Despite of house’s prize in Spain is decreasing, still it is very expensive . More or less it costs 240.000 euros . They probably will need a mortgage loan . Nowdays IBEX35 is so high so they will pay a high rate of interest . In all that house would costs 400.000 euros . Just the house . They will need furnitures, a kitchen , beds, and so on . And they will have to pay bills of water, electricity, phone, and local property tax for ever .

Every couple decide to buy a big car . Nowdays they use to buy a “minivan” . That would be useful if they would have children . They are not sure if they will have children but they buy a minivan . A minivan can cost among 15.000 and 30.000 euros .

I told before that they are not sure about having children . Now you will know why . I read an interesting study about this . It told that one child costs among 98.205 and 301.274 euros just during his first eighteen years of life . From that moment on, they are even more expensive . You have to pay their studies, clothes, or food . All these things are more expensive than when they were children . University is more expensive than a high school . Child clothes are cheaper than adult clothes, and they eat more than before . Moreover they need money every weekend to go out and having fun . Thirty years ago boys left parents home when they were twenty years old . Nowdays only a few of them leave parents home when they are thirty years old . This means the most of young people live at parents home for ever . So for example when your boy is fourty years old you would have spend more than 200.000 euros . Having a children must be a wonderful experience . The best experience in life, though, is worth it?

Now I understand another interesting article which I read on the Internet by “agenciasic” ( catholic service information ) . It told about marriages and births are decreasing in late years . Eduardo Hertfelder said marriages’ decrease in Spain and Europe is dramatic . Since 2000 to 2007 it decreased 8.75% . Since 2007 to 2011 more, I suppose .

In time of crisis people reduce all kind of expenses . If you get married and make a family you will be very happy ( or not ) but you will have a many expenses . You will have to work hard to pay debts all of your life . You will live worried about if you will be able to pay back . If you live in Spain you would have many chance of being unemployed, so, what would happen then? If you don’t have money you could lose your house and all your money that you had paid . Your children could be hungry . And your wife could break with you and marry with another wealthy man .

Maybe all these things are why less people decide to marry . What do you think about get married? Would you like try it? Or do you prefer being single all your life? Write your comments . By the way, we had a wonderful wedding a few years ago . Our prince get married with Leticia . That wedding cost 4.113.000 euros . There were another two weddings like this before: “Infanta Elena” and ”Infanta Cristina” . Multiply that amount by 3 . All that money was paid by spanish people . Advantages of living in monarchy . Goodbye !!!

Princess of Spain's Wedding.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happy new year everybody !!! Just started 2011, and did it with great news in Spain . Tobacco Law came into effect . Finally non-smokers like me will get calm in bars, restaurants, discotheques, etc … We will not breathe smoke anymore. Now smokers will must to come out to smoke. This law bans to smoke near Hospitals, in children’s parks, or in front of High Schools. Smokers who don’t respect this law could be fined financially and owners of business would be fined too . I would like to talk about harmful effects of smoking .

Carbon Monoxide reduce the amount of oxigen which reach our diferent organs. This decrease can develop serious problems like Heart Attack or Brain Haemorrhage . Nicotine increase cardiac and respiratory rhythm, arterial pressure and coronary flow . Tobacco effects decrease pulmonary tissue elasticity . Smoke cause inflammation of respiratoy system and interfere in usual running of lungs .


Lung :

This is the most usual kind of cancer in smokers . Every year 1,2 million people develop this cancer in whole wide world. Some of them because of pollution . However the most of them because of being active or passive smokers .

Urinally : In active smokers is more probable suffer cancer of bladder, urethra, or kidneys .

Orally : Mouth cancer can develop only in active smokers .

Nasal Ducts : Nasal Ducts cancer is increasinly known in new cancer cases.

Pharynx : Pharynx cancer always was one of the most populcar cancer cases.

Esophagus : This is one of cancer more difficult to treat . Early detection is the most important thing to cure it .

Larynx : Is a very common cancer . It has good chance of beating .

Pancreas : Is a cancer hard to detect . Is one of the most deadly sort of cancer . 50% dead six weeks later . The chance of surviving five years later is about 1% .

Liver : The probability of living is over no more of six months . The only chance is a transplant .

Stomach : To beat stomach cancer is almost impossible since it advance fastly . The only chance is quit the whole stomach and living two more years with palliative cares .

Leukemia : Is possible to cure this disease . The point is detecting as soon as possible .

Moreover there is an organ specially damaged while smoking : Heart . Is more damaged than lungs . According to El Mundo Newspaper, 65% of heart attacks in young people in Spain were because of Tobacco.

In short, more than 50.000 people dye each year in Spain . 3.200 of them are passive smokers . In others countries Tobacco Law is in effect since many years ago . Studies have proved, thanks of this law the amount of deaths was reduced . I hope happen the same thing here .

Smokers are complaining because tell that they feel like plague victims . They ask for a place to can poison themselves . They think are being discriminated . They must know that they are plague victimis actually . They cause 3.200 deaths in Spain each year, so they have an infectious and deadly disease . For this reason they must be quit of the world . Far away of people who like breathe fresh air and live calm . They never respected us . They smoked and blew their smoke into our face . Now they ask for tolerance . Forget it !!! Go on with your suicide but let us keep living . All we know that smokers always were a real crap .

Tobbacoe report.

Tobacoe report 2.