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Sunday, December 30, 2012


Once more people will get together to savour the last dinner of the year. Once more people will overeat expensive food even in spite of being filled up. An average Spanish New year’s eve dinner would be made up of king prawns, croquettes, hake, veal, lamb, asparagus, fish soup, and all kind of desserts such as rice pudding, custards, ice cream or fruit. There would be another typical food called “turron” or nougat candy as well as many other sweets. There will be expensive wines and champagne to drink a toast to the new year. There will also be silly traditions such as starting the new year with red clothes or eating twelve grapes during the twelve rings at midnight. People will go to parties at that time to have fun in several clubs where they will get drunk until the dawn. Such clubs charge very expensive tickets and serve adulterated drinks very expensive too. This people will spend an average of one hundred euros without counting the dinner. While they overeat and overdrink, there also will be people starving in Spain. People sleeping in cars or under the bridge. People ruined because of morgages that cannot pay anymore. Children who will not receive any present. There will be sick people who are not attended because of government cuts. Many people in Spain will hold New Year’s Eve differently. For those who will overeat and overdrink that day I would urge them to think about these people who are not so lucky of enjoying an abundant dinner in the last day of the year. If after thinking of them, they still celebrate New Year’s Eve this way, they would be proving being really bad persons, selfish and insensitive. Why can’t we eat the last dinner of the year like any other dinner? Why it cannot be a single dinner? Why do we must overeat? Maybe because we have been taught by the capitalist system to live Christmas this way. We have been taught to spend as much money as possible these days. We have not been taught to help unlucky people who are in need. We have been taught to be selfish and consumers. I don’t want to belong to this group. And I am not going to follow the capitalist system advices anymore. Actually I want to belong to the other group. The group of people who will starve that day. I will starve that day too through a voluntary abstinence. I will not party nor get drunk. I will not spend money in unnecessary gifts. This will be my way of paying homage to this unlucky group of people. Someone wants to join this group? Happy New Year !!!


Friday, December 7, 2012


I know you could accuse me of writing about sad things lately. It is not my fault. The situation in Spain is dramatic, so when talking about news, most of them are negative. That is why this time I am going to talk about something or rather someone funny. He is a well-known Spanish comedian called Jose Mota. He has worked as a comedian since 1985. He has conducted the New Year’s Eve specials TV shows for the last twelve years. All his programmes have achieved top-audience levels. He has made fun of Spanish politicians, bankers, football players, singers or movie stars. He is a great impersonator therefore as he imitates someone it looks like he is the celebrity itself. He also creates common characters. They are not celebrities but common people whom you could meet anywhere. Let’s talk about some of his characters. “La señora del visillo” is an old lady who lives in a village and she spies her neighbors in order to tell others personal things about them. “El tio de la vara” is a country bumpkin who secretly turns into an avenging man who hits with a stick anyone who involves in any sort of wrongdoing activity. “Facundo collado” is a security guard who deals with celebrities at his working place. He asks them for autographs and makes any negative comment about them at the same time so they get angry with him. “El cansino histórico” is focused on the Middle Ages. He is a vassal who runs into famous characters and urges them to have a drink together in a nearby bar but they refused. Then he gets angry with them and insults them with many funny words.

Jose Mota also has performed in Santiago Segura’s movies called “Torrente” as well as several plays. As a voiceover actor Jose Mota has dubbed many movies such as Shrek, Hellboy, or Monsters. He still works and is preparing the New Year’s Eve show of this year. All Spanish people are looking forward to watching it. All Spanish people have really laughed with his shows. Making laugh has never been an easy task. In this time that so many Spanish people cry or live worried,  Mr. Mota has been responsible for replacing sadness with laugh. How nice work !!! There are hundres of videos about Jose Mota’s shows on youtube. You just have to type his name. I have put up two links of some of his more funny sketchs. I hope you enjoy them. If you have ever seen any of his shows comment on this blog about what would be your favorite sketch. Thank you !!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


In this week that took place a major general strike where many people expressed their anger for the unfair economic situation that they are living, have happened many outstanding things worthy to tell on this blog. 

Since 2008 there have been 400.000 evictions in Spain, which means that Spanish banks nowadays own 400.000 households that they got through cheating Spanish people. According to “Caritas” ( a Spanish charity ) more than 30.000 people live in the street. Others live in cars, caravans or shacks. Others have been lucky and any friend or relative let them live at their own house. And there are others who threw in the towel and killed themselves. 

Since 2008 there have been each year more than 8.500 people who committed suicide in Spain. Of course, not all of them committed suicide because of the economic crisis but, for certain, many of them did. 

Today, I want to talk about some of these Spaniards who threw in the towel.  I want to tell about a security guard whose company owed him 10.000 euros but it didn’t pay him. Because of his debts he killed himself leaving two sons without a father. Or a young man who lost his job, then his wife asked him divorce and then bank took him his house out. He also committed suicide. In Valencia a man was going to be kicked out from his house and before police entered his house, he jumped over the window before kissing his son for the last time. Another man in Granada hanged himself because he was going to be evicted the day after. 

The last case took place in Barakaldo in northern Spain. Amaia Engaña had guaranteed her brother. He mortgaged his house and time after lost his job. Both brother and sister were going to be evicted from their respective houses. Amaia had a job as a civil servant. Her husband had a job too. They had a twenty-one years old son. Amaia concealed that she had guaranteed her brother from both her husband and son. Last week Amaia knew when police would ring her door to ask her to leave definitively her house. When they rang, she threw herself through window. 

After this last suicide Spanish governmentnt gathered to deal with evictions in Spain. Law has been slightly modified and now some families, only those who live the most serious situations will avoid eviction at least for a while. It has been necessary many people commit suicide so that government makes such a decision. Our martyr has been Amaia and that is why I have decided to put up a picture and a video of her. I hope anyone else commit suicide in the future. Citizens are not responsible for this crisis. Only banks and Spanish politicians. In any case, if someone has decided to commit suicide shortly my advise is this one:  kill a Spanish politician or banker first.

Friday, November 2, 2012


I am going to talk about Spanish drivers. The stadistic is shocking: more than five hundred pedestrians are killed by drivers each year in Spain. Between 2005 and 2010 there were 68.000 pedestrians knocked down; 3.300 were killed and 13.500 were seriously injured. Most of them were children and old people. In ninety percent of cases it took place in crosswalks or red lights, which means it was the driver’s faul. There are several reasons why so many pedestrians are killed in zebra crossings. 
Most cases take place in cities and the main causes are distractions, traffic offences and excess speed. I would say there is another reason. Recently I wrote about Spanish manners. This thing has to do with the way of driving in Spain. Drivers are always in a hurry and that is the most important thing for them. They don’t think about killing someone for driving so fast. They just think of getting their place as soon as possible. And they know Spanish law protect killers so if they run over someone there is only one thing they must do to avoid get into trouble. Phoning ambulance, acting (maybe crying or pretending an anxiety attack) and to say I am sorry. These three things are enough to avoid jail. He could lose his driving license for a few months and in some cases maybe he would have to pay a compensation for pedestrian or his family. That is why they drive recklessly. They are selfish and only think of themselves. It is the upbrinking that they received from their parents. Which would be the measures to avoid such accidents? In countries such as Switzerland, Germany or England drivers are much more respectful with pedestrains because of law. Drivers are severely punished if they commit any kind of traffic offence. They have to pay high compensations and even could go to prison. That is what Spain should do to solve this problem. Every driver who kills someone should go to prison for ever because despite maybe he didn’t do it on purpose, he has killed someone. A person’s life always should be punished with jail. If you live in Spain you will have high chance of being knocked down so be careful with drivers. I am going to give some advises just in case you are ever knocked down. Don’t argue with driver. Try to be calm down although it will be difficult. Try to get any witness and his/her phone number to be in touch. He or she will be key to win a possible future trial. Don’t trust insurance companies. They will always offer you the minimum compensation. Get a lawyer because probably you will win the trial and driver will have to pay your lawyer costs. Pretend you have developed depression. You will be able to ask another compensation for damages. Inform everybody about your accident including police in order to avoid future accidents. What would you have to do to avoid being knocked down? Don’t trust any driver in any crosswalk or red light. Don’t cross until driver has completely stopped. Don’t listen to music while walking. It could distract you. Try to use crosswalks with lights. They are the safer way of crossing roads. And write a blog or send your comment on this one telling your mind about this major problem or tell your own experience if you have ever been knocked down. We can solve this problem. Bye !!!

Friday, October 5, 2012


There have been many demonstrations lately in Spain because of this major crisis. Both 11-M and 25-S movement have urged people to crowd cities streets to protest against so many cuts, so much high unemployment rate, evictions, banks, and above all, our incompetent Spanish politicians. Such politicians have the highest salaries in Europe and despite that they are unable to work efficiently. The only thing they know to do well is either stealing or wasting public money. Many young people were brutally hit by Police in these demonstrations. People asked them to show their identification number and they denied. These young people only wanted to show their anger because they are unemployed because of our incompetent politicians. They are worried because of the dark future that Spain is going to live. As they live in a democratic country, they thought that they would be allowed to demonstrate. But sadly they were wrong. The Spanish Right rules the country almost like Franco did in the past. This kind of demonstrations are harmful for Mariano Rajoy’s image and its politic party. That is why he decided to break up these demonstrations at any cost. In this case, it was through a great violence. His goal was to transmit fear so that no more young people gather in the street to protest against his policies. What is more, the next day he talked to the Media about such demonstrations. He said he was very happy for all those young people who didn’t attend the demonstrations. He said they were responsible Spaniards and he felt proud of them. What really happens is Mariano Rajoy screws this kind of demonstrations because they damage a lot his work as a Spanish prime minister. Merkel, Sarcozy and others European leaders probably will ask him for explanations. Now Catalonia is demanding independence as well as Basque Country. Rajoy has many problems to solve in Spain and one year after having won elections, he continues to be unable to solve them. I have never gone any of these demonstrations fearing being hit by police. After listening to Rajoy’s words I have decided to attend to every demonstration concerning economic crisis. I would urge you, my fellow reader, to do the same thing. If Mariano Rajoy is an incompetent we must embarrass him publicly in the street. I know it is more comfortable to lye down on the sofa, watching TV, or hanging out on the Internet but this way we will never solve our problems. So let’s take the risk of being hit by police. Let’s shout loudly in the street and let’s show our anger for the hard situation we are living. It is our right. It is our duty. It is our fight. I have put up a video about such demonstrations where you will be able to watch how this government takes care of silencing whom are considered for Mariano Rajoy’s voters as “troublemakers” .

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hello guys. Summer is over. Today I am going to talk about the Spanish young people favourite drug. It is called “crystal” or “MDMA” . This drug is characterized for its affective effects as well as euphoria, happiness and and joy. Besides all that, there is a lack of tiredness during its effects, which last around six hours. Due to its affective effects this drug was named “love drug” . People who consume this drug fancy to say “I love you” to whoever is around; friends, partner, or even the club’s bouncer. This drug also increases sexual desire, which means crystal consumers have a high chance of having intercourse during MDMA effects. In addition, another effect is such consumers feel really confident and do not appreciate risks at all. It means they probably will engage in high-risks behaviours such as having sex without condon. MDMA is usually sold in powder. It also can be sold in pills but people prefer in powder because there is more purity, around 85 %. One gram costs 60 euros and it is possible to make around ten doses with it. The short-term risks of this drug are heat wave, tachycardia, arrhythmia, dehydration and overdose. The long-term risks are related to anxiety attacks, depression and psychotic disorders. All of them will develop memory problems, humour changes, and hallucinations. Why Spanish young people take this serious drug? I have interviewed a consumer who didn’t want to say his name so I will call him Nicolas. Nicolas told me he takes MDMA every weekend as he goes parties with his friends.

“the rush is amazing. You feel really well. It is the funniest drug. As I take MDMA I feel confident and talk to many people so I make a lot of friends. I spend many hours dancing, smiling, laughing… I really like the pleasure feeling that this drug gives me. The hangover is less hard than alcohol. I use to have headache on Sundays but the worst thing takes place on Monday. Then is when effects really end. At that time I feel depression. I am with very bad temper and do not want to talk to any colleague in my workplace. My sensitivity is really down and sometimes I spend long time crying. My girlfried refuses to meet me such days. I have had some hallucinations from time to time. The point is to control yourself, be quiet and say to yourself it is not happening. It is not real. One day my hallucination was very scary. I saw a snake at my bedroom while sleeping. I was able to avoid get into panic telling to myself it was just a hallucination. I don’t think I could dye with this drug. I don’t want to kill myself. I am able to control this drug. I only seek having fun at weekends with my friends”.

There are not high cases of death concerning this drug. However there are many cases related to menthal problems, depression and schizophrenia. After interviewing Nicolas I found out he didn’t know the real risks. Once more, the problem resides in some people are not enquired. They have the Internet, which can become a good resourse to get enquired. However they prefer using the Internet to chat on facebook, twitter, messenger or Skype. I have just watched a very interesting video on youtube about this drug. It is called “the most dangerous drug” . And I also put up a video about Spanish people with MDMA effects one single Saturday night. I would urge you to watch both videos and send a comment telling your view about this topic. See you !!!!


Saturday, September 1, 2012


If you have ever been in Spain, you will probably have seen people screaming around. You could think they are fighting and you could be right. However in most cases they are not arguing. They are only talking each other. It is the their way of speaking. Most Spaniards speak loudly anywhere. In the street, at the bus, at the church, at the supermarket, at bars and restaurants and even at hospital. They don’t care people hear their conversation despite it is private. (past day I heard two girls telling details each other about their last weekend intercourse) .
If you have to travel at night in Spain be sure you will not able to sleep. In all my trips there always was someone talking loudly through his cell phone over the whole trip. In my neighbourhood is normal waking up at three o’clock during any workday because any neighbour enters the garage with loudly music and his car windows open. And talking about cars you should be very careful if you are a walker in Spain. Most drivers don’t respect cyclists or walkers and it is very common watching terrible accidents. According to "El Mundo" , five hundred people are killed by drivers each year in Spain.
This report also says most of them were old people and children. It tells that twenty children are killed everyday in Spain. The most worrying thing is every accident takes place over zebra crossings. If you are at a restaurant in Spain enyoing your tasty meal, you will see people chewing food with their mouth open showing thus what they have inside, which is disgusting. They will make noise by chewing and of course, they will also be able of talking loudly at the same time. If you are at the supermarket waiting for the check out operator scans all your purchases it is possible she suddenly stops working only because she has started a conversation with the check out operator who works along with her. You would have to wait for the end of the silly conversation. And if you are a woman and go out at night in Spain you should be especially careful. Some drunk men will touch your boobs while walking in front of you. What else? Oh yeah. I was at the bus past Wednesday commuting. I was sit down at the bottom of the bus listening to music on my MP3. The trip was loudly as always but this time, something else happened. Suddenly I noticed something very smelly. It was not about the travellers who were sit down in front of me didn’t have a shower that day or about they were wearing the wrong cologne. They just had farted. As it was like the nazi gas I had get off in the next bus stop to survive. I had to walk one kilometer to my house but at least I breathed fresh air. If you have ever been in Spain and lived any of these situations post a comment. How about the people manners in your country? Write telling about it to compare. Thank you and enjoy your summer because there is no much time left.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today is held the Ascension Day, the day when the Blessed Virgin rose from the ground to the sky. Today, more than one thousand towns will start its official parties in Spain. Once more Spaniards will try to forget crisis through eating and drinking. I could talk about many places cause every town in parties has something interesting to talk about. This time I have picked Malaga. The Malaga’s fair commemorates the city takeover by the king Fernando II from Aragon and the queen Isabel I from Castilla. Since then every year in August there are seven days of party in this lively city. The streets in the city centre are decorated with flowers and people wear Flamenco cloths. In these days people set up “casetas” (stands) where people eat, drink, dance, sing and some of them even fall in love. This last thing is not difficult to happen since Andalusian women are very beautiful. If you like flamenco you can watch concerts every morning in the city centre completely free. At 2 o’clock people crowd the city centre streets while drink typical Andalusian wines such as “cartojal” “fino” or “manzanilla” . Be careful with cartojal. It is a very nice wine. Soft, fresh and very easy to drink. Many people drink this wine quietly and suddenly they end up performing a streaptease, kissing a streetlamp or waking up in the wrong bed. At six o’clock is time to watch the bullfighting at the “Malagueta’s bullring” where well-known bullfighters will fight fierce bulls. However if you are against this bloody tradition like me, you could take a nap in order to keep strength for night. There are many restaurants where you can have your dinner. I would recommend you any Andalusian restaurant where you will be able to taste “Gazpacho” , “sopas perotas” (soup) , cocido andaluz (Andalusian stew) or “pescaito frito” (fried fish) . At night the party is in the fairground. There are more than one hundred stands, the big wheel, roller coasters and so on. And there is area to see concerts. Rock and Pop music groups will perform for the whole night and you will be able to watch for free. The last time I was at Malaga’s fair I went to the stands at night with my girlfriend and she taught me how to dance “sevillanas” . If you ever go to Malaga’s fair try to learn. It is a very funny dance. You will need a lot of energy because the party lasts until the dawn so try to eat during the night. There are a lot of yummy Andalusian dishes at the various stands. As far as weather is concerned you can relax. At night you will not need any jumper cause temperature usually is around 25º - 30º celsius. To sum up, if you have the chance, go to Malaga’s fair. You will not regret. If you have ever been in Malaga and have something to tell, post a comment on this blog. Happy summer !!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today is time to talk about music. I couldn’t overlook on this blog the most important music group in my life. This group is called: “Ska-P” . The style is ska-punk and this group has taught me a lot since it was created in nineteen ninety four in Vallecas, a humble neighbourhood in Madrid. The two first years were hard because they were not popular and their first record didn’t get good sales. However the second one made them very famous and it reached the first positions in the charts. They also became famous for their spectacular concerts where transmitted very much energy and audience enjoyed a lot singing and dancing their songs. “El vals del obrero” (worker’s waltz) was very famous because many people felt identified. Letter talked about exploitation over workers, which is something very common at least in Spain. “Cannabis” was the most successful song on that record. They asked for marijuana legalization, which was supported by many potheads. After releasing the third record “Eurosis” they started their first international tour around France, Italy, Argentina and Mexico. All of their concerts took place in packed Stadiums. In Italy they set a record performing for more than ten thousand people. From 2000 - 2004 they are already a well-known international group and did another tour around Hungary, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, UK, Ireland, Greece, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay and Colombia among others. Since 2005 to 2007 they set a break because they felt overwhelmed because of so much work. Many fans feared it was the end of the group. They asked with much strength the Ska-P’s return through the Internet. In 2007 they came back with the same energy with the record “Lágrimas y gozos” (tears and pleasure).
All their songs are characterized by nonconformity. Through such songs they criticize “capitalism” , “fascism” , “zionism” , “imperialism” , “racism” , “speciesism”, “police brutality” , “bullfighting” , as well as Spanish politicians, bankers and employers who have stolen public money. On the other side they defend “human rights” , “animals” , “environmentalism” , “anarchism”, and “anarchosyndicalism” . Maybe you have ever wondered how my politic ideas are. My ideas are the same than my favourite group of course. Above all in these crisis times that many Spaniards have found out Ska-P was right. We don’t trust any Spanish politician. We are against employers, banking, police brutality. We are against the royal family and our fucking king who has spent a lot of public money with prostitutes. We don’t believe in law cause we have seen many times how the rich always avoids prison whereas the poor always is jailed. To sum up all young Spaniards, including me, don’t trust the Spanish system anymore because it has been proved that such system doesn’t work. I am looking forward to listening the next record by this fantastic music group. I hope they continue to embarrass all people who make up Spanish system through their aggressive letters against system. Although maybe any Spanish politician or banker don’t feel shamed at all since this kind of people with no manners, with no education with no values, with no ethic, have proved to be really bad persons, and this sort of people don’t know what is the shame like.

You can know more about this group on its official website: . And I have put up a link of one of its famous performances in international tours singing one of its main hits. Take a look and write your comment on this blog. Happy Summer !!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Are you looking for sun? Are you looking for yummy food? Are you looking for parties? Enjoy your holidays in Spain where there are parties everyday and easy pretty women willing to have intercourse with tourists.

This kind of advertising can be seen in many overseas travel agencies. Today I am going to talk about Benidorm. One of the fauvorite places for British, German, Italian as well as many other European holidaymakers. Benidorm is a small town that lies around 140 km from Valencia.
Hundreds of  hotels, bars, restaurants, clubs get packed in the whole summertime from Monday to Sunday. If you like Mediterranean diet you could eat a nice paella at any Spanish restaurant. If your prefer junk food you can choose among many fast food restaurants. Thousands of drinkers crowd this small town during the summer. Most tourists choose Benidorm as the place to get drunk, take drugs or have a lot of sex. As a consequence, there are everyday people admitted in hospitals, troublemakers arrested, especially for getting involved in fights, and tourists cheated by foxy Spanish people. What about the easy pretty Spanish women? Travel agencies sell the Benidorm’s image as the perfect place to spend holidays. Its business consists of urging as many people as they can. That is why they advertise things like that. Maybe they are right only in some points. It is true that most Spanish women are hot therefore it is also true that they will have intercourse with tourists. But we cannot generalize by labelling “every” Spanish woman as a bith. Maybe sixty percent are bitches. The rest are not. So, what happen when such tourists find out that is not so easy getting sex from Spanish women as they expected? No problem, Benidorm has a lot of night clubs whether for straight men or gay men, as well as many houses where this old job take place. And there are also many gigolos for women. There are hundreds of women and men who carry out this work in Benidorm. Some of them deliberately, some of them forced. What kind of tourists go to Benidorm? You could think only young people. If you do, you are wrong. Most retired Spanish choose Benidorm as their holidays destination. So all kind of people can fit in this well-known place. Many tourists are looking for sun and beach and getting tanned. Days in Benidorm are very warm. Between 30-40º from eleven o’clock A.M until ten o’clock P.M. So you should use sun protection every hour unless you wanted to have any kind of skin cancer. Going out at nights is definitively a good idea since probably you will not be able to sleep because of hot. You can go out and have fun on your own. You don’t need neither alcohol nor drugs to enjoy your holidays in Benidorm. Another advise would be: be careful with pickpockets. In crowded areas keep your wallet in a safe place. Never give money to anyone who promise you a good business and if you are cheated inform police as soon as possible. They will be delighted to help you. The nightlife in Benidorm is amazing. You can have the best holidays in your life but try to spend them in the proper way. Have you ever been in Benidorm? Tell you experience on this blog just below this article. Nice holidays !!!


Friday, July 6, 2012


This week has started what Hemingway called “la fiesta” in a small city northern Spain named Pamplona. This city has one hundred thousands inhabitants and during this parties it will be up to one million people. Why these parties are so popular? Hemingway is a big responsible for writing about it in his books. In any case, what attracts more people are the famous races that bulls run after people along the city centre streets. Such bulls will be killed in the bullring every evening in what is known as “la fiesta nacional” . What other things attract people to come to San Fermin parties? The party of course. During eight days there is party everywhere at any time. There is party in bars, discotheques, clubs, and in the street. Concerts and night festivals take place every night in packed squares where people dance, flirt, sing and drink. 

I am going to tell you what is the timetable like for anyone who enjoy these parties.

-      Six o’clock: Bullfighting. People take food and drink and spend the two hours that bullfighting lasts eating and drinking while watching the bloody spectacle where bull is tortured until death.

-        Eight o’clock: As the bullfighting ends they go dancing around the streets while drinking of course. After a while they go to have a dinner at some restaurant or at their respective houses.

-        Eleven o’clock: After dinner they go the Ciudadela Park to watch the fireworks. What they can do while watching the fire rain? Drinking of course. They buy drink in shops and supermarkets and do what is known as “binge drinking”.

-        Night: During the whole night people have fun along the different party places carrying out activities such as drinking, taking drugs, eating or having sex. 

-        Eight o’clock: At this time is held the famous bulls race. Some people run, some people watch, some people continue to stay at bars.

-        Nine o’clock: Time to have breakfast. Every typical San Fermin breakfast is made up of two eggs, bacon, sausages, loin chops, black pudding and French fries. After this slight breakfast they are ready to sleep until three o’clock. Then they will wake up and start the same timetable again.

The average cost for every person for the whole parties is around one thousand euros. Pamplona hospitals attended nine hundred and fifty four people in the parties of two thousand eleven. Forty three of them were runners. The rest, people who drank or took drugs. This year will probably happen the same thing. I also want to highlight that people have sex everywhere during these parties. Some of them even in the street. As most of them are drunk, obviously they do not use condoms, which makes the situation even more dangerous. 

If you do not drink alcohol, take drugs or are not a promiscuous person I would not recommend you to come to Sanfermines. You will feel out of the party and probably you will not enjoy. It looks like these parties have been designed for drinkers, drug takers and fuckers. What about formal people like me? Maybe formal people have not the right of enjoying their city parties? You can watch a video of the famous races down here and you can write your comment giving your own opinion about these parties.      

Monday, July 2, 2012


Is time to talk about football. As you know past month took place the Eurocope in Poland and Ukraine. The first rival for Spain was a hard one: Italy. Some Italian footballers had been accused of rigging football matches in Italy, which had caused great controversy. Things didn’t start well and such a match ended with a draw (1-1) . The second match was against Croatia. A score draw would qualify Spain and eliminate Italy. Italian media published covers telling Spain will draw on purpose in order to get rid of Italy. However it will not occur because Spain had kept the most painful revenge for them. Spain suffered a lot and was about losing along many times during the match but finally Navas scored at the eightieth minute. In quarterfinals Spain would play Portugal. Spain had two days less to rest and prepare that match. That is why Portugal set out a very physical match. They put a big pressure from the first minute and withstood running ninety minutes. They had high chance of scoring. In the overtime Portuguese football players were exhausted and Spain controlled the whole extra time and had three great opportunities to score. However they were not successful and the match would decide with penalties. Xabi alonso was in charge of throwing the first one. The goalkeeper stopped it. Every Spanish people feared the worst thing. Time for Portugal. Casillas stopped the shot too. Then both Spain and Portugal scored the second penalty. Sergio Ramos, nicknamed “the bullfighter” scored the third one by making the famous panenka’s shot.  This time Portugal failed throwing the ball into the crossbar. If Cesc scored Spain would be qualified. Cesc looked at the ball and said it: “Please go inside”. The goalkeeper was about stopping it but ball hit the left post and went inside. Ronaldo, Pepe or Mourinho received what they deserve. They are really bad persons and in this film only the good character would win. Spain played France in semi-final. No one wanted France in Spain because they had always won us in any official match. There is a great rivalry between both countries since many years ago as far as sport is concerned. Lately they have accused Spanish sport persons of taking drugs to improve their fitness in competition, which is not true of course. They are who really take drugs and even so, they are not able to win anything. The revenge took place that day. Spain won with two Xabi Alonso’s goals. In the final would wait Italy. Spain would play this cheater team again. Balotelli said the day before that he would scored four times. The final was amazing. The most perfect football match played by Spain. The match Spain needed in its history. Silva headed the first goal in the fourteenth minute. Xabi made an amazing pass in the fortieth minute and Jordi Alba scored the second one. The second part was another display of nice football that Spain humiliated Italian footballers with continuous passes. In the eighty-fourth minute Fernando Torres scored again in a Eurocope final. And four minutes later he assisted Mata who scored the fourth and final goal. All Spanish people enjoyed watching that spectacle. We remembered the USA94 match that Luis Enrique was hit by Tassoti and referee didn’t see penalty. Italy is the most hated team in the world. It plays a defensive football. It provokes rival like Materazzi did with Zidane. (he said: I wish your daughter to be raped and killed soon) . Yesterday, everyone wanted the win of Spain except Italian people. Italian people are embarrased because of the yesterday humilliation. They deserve suffering as much as possible. Yesterday, football was fair and once more won the good character. The movie once more had a nice end. Viena, Cape Town, and Kiev. Any national team has ever won three championships in a row. We are not aware of what this team is doing. We don’t want to wake up from this dream. Unfortunately someday we will miss these magic years. This is the win of a team. All of them did a perfect match. All of them avoided us to think of unemploymend, debt and crisis. Life in Spain continues to be hard for most people today. In any case, thanks for such temporary happiness we had yesterday. We are very proud of you. We are very proud of being Spanish. Long live Spain !!!           

Thursday, June 21, 2012


“ Work right now. Course of professional prostitute “ .

The add also told that there were many facilities, the prize was low, discretion was high, and this school guaranteed getting a job after finishing such a course. In the course there was both theoretical and practical training. As far as theoretical training is concerned students had to study the history of this work, how it started, how it was carried out. Of course they had to study the kamasutra’s book memorizing every position because in the future they would be asked to perform any of them. After the theoretical part, it was time to prepare students for the practical part. There is a male teacher who would has sex with every student. What a exhausting job !!! I would rather be unemployed !!! 
They will do the teaching practice at various prostitute houses where they will have sex with their first customers. The number of classes is optional. Every class costs one hundred euros and this school provides all kind of materials. You know what I am talking about. There are six students who have already joined this course and this school continued to receive more applications.

You may be thinking this is a joke. You are wrong. This is true. And here is the link where you could read about it.

Are you thinking of becoming a prostitute? If you do, apply for an aplication in this amazing course. This is a job with great future and you will earn a lot of money. You will not pay taxes to government. Take this chance !!! I am being sarcastic of course. Some people don’t have qualms to get money and they are able to invent any business as long as making benefits. They take advantage of desperate people to take their money out. This is Spain. The country where all is possible. A country full of cheaters who will try to get money from you at any cost. Would you like to live here? Write your comment right here. You can see the news on this link:

Friday, June 8, 2012


There was a age that Spain was the eighth power in the world. Anyone could buy a car, a house, expensive clothes and enjoying Caribbean holidays every summer. Anyone could receive a loan or a mortgage from the bank. The banks’ strategy was clear. Making available money to all sort of people, even those who (banks knew) were not going to be able to pay back. Spanish banks lied them about conditions. Spanish banks promised them that they would be able to pay back without any problem. According to what they have just signed, if something wrong happened and were not able to continue to pay that loan, they would lose both the house that they were paying and the other house that they had set as a guarantee. And of course, this gullible people would also lose all the money they had paid until that time. It was a bright business. The situation now is quite different. Many Spanish people have lost neither their houses or their money. And Spanish banks own thousands of houses that cannot sell. The bright business was wrong for both parts. Spanish Banks such as a Bankia, Banca Civica or BBVA, among others, cheated people and now they are in debt. Who will help them to solve this serious situation? Spanish people of course. Europe is going to provide Spanish banks with eighty thousand millions euros to reorganise them. Every Spanish citizen will pay part of this debt with his taxes, which by the way will be higher. That is, those Spanish people who were cheated by Spanish banks, now will have to pay higher taxes to help the bank that cheated them. Some of them will not be able to assume this responsibility because they are living under the bridge or starving anywhere. In any case is sad every crisis is paid by the same people: usual people. This is right-wing politics. This is the only thing our current prime minister Mariano Rajoy has thought to beat this crisis. Helping powerful people with the help of poor people. I listened to the radio a nice news last day. Agressions to bank managers have risen in the last months. What is clear is this kind of despicable people deserve it. Maybe violence could be a solution. They will fear for their life and maybe they will not cheat anymore. If you have been cheated by any bank write your personal story on this blog. Thank you.   

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Today I am going to talk about some TV programmes that I consider a real waste of time. I guess all of you know the well-known reality show “big brother” . This program is broadcast in most countries around the world and shows how young people spend three months lying down on the sofa, drinking and smoking and having sex with each other. Anyway I am not going to talk about this one, instead I will tell about others. There is a program in Spain called “farmer looks for wife” . In this program two women who are interested in getting married with a yokel live with him in his farm for three months. The women work with him in his daily work and must prove him that they are good workers, especially cooking and cleaning. Of course they must to seduce him to get his love. The last day the yokel will decide who is going to be his wife.

There is another programme called: “who wants to marry my son?” It consists of three mothers who help their sons to get a wife. Lets turn to foreign programmes. “The origins of love” is an American reality show that American singles with an Norwegian origin meet young Norwegians women who they will be living with for three months. After that time such women will return their country and the American men will must to make a hard decision: saying them goodbye for ever or going with them to settle in Norway. “The neighbourhood of one million dollars” is a Canadian show where one hundred families must live in the same neighbourhood with just one thousand dollars for ten weeks. “Honey you are getting fat” is a Sweden reality show that husbands or wives try to encourage their partners to lose weight. Who loses most weight wins the competition. “Parents at jail” is based on Netherlands and deals with sons and daughters who visit their imprisoned parents. “Hidden massage” is a programme from Finland where a celebrity is making a massage to a common citizen. The latter cannot watch him/her and must to find out who that famous person is. “Sleepyheads competition” is a Japanese reality show that the aim is sleeping. There are three challenges: sleeping fast, waking up fast and to stay without sleeping. Who best does these challenges will win the competition. The last one I want to talk about is “Are you normal?” This one is an American contestant that competitors must answer questions that usually are very easy. It is a way of measuring the general culture of American citizens. I have chosen this one to end this article because the title has a lot to do with this kind of programmes viewers. People who watch rubbish TV programmes should ask this question to themselves. I am proud of not being like them and do not waste my time watching rubbish programmes because that would mean my life is boring and sad. I think their lives are empty and that is why they watch these programmes. Moreover this kind of viewers are not intelligent. Most of them must be mentally handicapped so we must respect them and pray for their severe disease. Anyway someone should help them through impeding them to watch this kind of educational programmes since watching these shows will get worse their disease. You can see one of these programmes on this link.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Last day I listened to a song on the radio that attracted my attention. It told about a girl who said to her mother something like she didn’t want to study. She just wanted to party everyday especially at weekends of course. She said she would arrive late at home, nearly in the morning. She also said that she would dress like a , you know a prostitute. Her mother obviously was shocked. Her daughter continued to say is not use arguing because she was going to do what she likes. Another sentence of this song is in Spanish. It is: “mama, yo paso de todo” . This sentence means something like: “I don’t care anything” . After listening this song, I searched for the video on “youtube”. In the video this girl is arguing with her mother while wearing just some panties. And of course she after dresses like a prostitute at the discotheque. I really didn’t understand both the song and the video. I think that with this song/video is conveyed a wrong message for young people. The message is: you must have fun, enjoy, have sex, go parties and don’t be worried about your studies. Don’t you study because is more important partying, drinking, or having sex. The message is: “don’t follow your parents’ advise because they are wrong” . Just take all your time to have fun. At the end of the video this girl ties up her mother at a chair like if she would be kidnaped. Message: violence over your parents. I am sure many young people will not be influenced for this song and continue to study in order to get trained in the future as best as possible. They are going to live hard times because of this endless economic crisis. That is why they must take seriously their studies. However I am also sure there will be a lot of young people who will acept positively this song’s message. In fact, Spain is the third country in Europe regarding school failure after Malta and Portugal. I can’t understand how sometimes music industry do not worry about the consequences of this sort of songs. They are only interested in making money at any cost. This song is a great hit in European discotheques and radio charts. The group has achieved its goal. Now they are rich. But have they thought about how many teenagers will ruin their lives because of its song? Will be they worried as this happens? Do you think music industry fosters bad habits in young people? Write your comments freely. Just right down is the video of this song. And the complete transcript. Watch it but don’t follow its message. Goodbye !!!


Monday - Party!, Tuesday - Party!, Wednesday - Party!, OK!, Thursday - Party!
Friday - Party!, Weekend, weekend, weekend - Party! Wow!
 I'm telling to you mama, There is no need for drama, But I don't wanna study, I just wanna party
 I'm a nini mom; You know what a nini is? Don't wait for me awake, I'm going home late
Maybe at 5... maybe at 6., Look at me mom, I'm dressing like a... I just wanna party, party...
 Mama, yo paso de todo, Wow! Weekend - Party!, Wow!
 I'm telling to you mama, There is no need for a drama
But I don't wanna study, I just wanna party
 I'm a nini mom; You know what a nini is? Courtesy of
Don't wait for me awake, I'm going home late
Maybe at 5... maybe at 6., Look at me mom, I'm dressing like a... b*tch

Saturday, February 25, 2012


We have had recently a major loss. One of the most important singers in the history of music. The performer with more awards ever. She won 415 awards, among them, six Grammy awards. She also was the performer who has sold more records ever. Over 170 millions of records. She began singing as a child in a gospel choir of the “New hope baptist” church in New Jersey. She also became an actress doing a best-selling movie called “the bodyguard” singing in that film a famous song called “I will always love you” . “I have nothing” and “I am very woman” were another hits, which broke selling records. In 1992 whitney married Bobby Brown who had a child with. This marriage didn’t work. Reportedly she was hit by her husband in many of their fights. In those years Whitney began to try all kind of drugs, especially cocaine and marihuana. After several attempts at detoxification centers, she stopped taking drugs and came back to music. Her voice was seriously damaged but people still enjoyed watching her concerts. February ninth of this year she did her last concert with Kelly Price. Two days after she was found death at a hotel in Beverly Hills. She was into the bathtub and there were drugs around. There are not explanations about her death though that day she probably took “Xanax” and fell asleep into the bath having a latter asphyxia. The story of Whitney Houston is one more. A celebrity, very rich and very famous who had everything but she was not happy. She looked for happinness in drugs. She recovered. She again took drugs and was killed. Amy whinehouse was another performer who lived another seemed situation being much younger. She also had the same end. Why they were not happy? Do you think is hard being a celebrity? Would you like becoming famous? My personal opinion is they do not stood fame. They felt like a mouse inside a box. They missed being a common citizen, an unknown person. But they thought that was too late for it, and maybe it would be impossible. Whitney Houston had the nicest voice ever and I would like to worship her through this video about that under my opinion is her best song. God bless you whitney.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


This Spanish society has taught us that men must get married before thirty years old. If you don’t, people will label you as a “unsuccesful” . People will say women don’t consider you appealing, or you are homosexual or too ugly to achieve a woman becomes interested for you. This society has taught women that marriage can be a good business. You could live without working for ever because a man will look after you and pay all your caprices. You just have to do a thing in exchange: “openning your legs at nights”. Other women have learnt that marriage can be a good way to make money. Spanish law favors women when occur divorces. They get the house, the middle of the savings of that man, and the children. By the way, women never have savings, so any husband earns nothing. Another kind of women are nymphomaniacs, that is, they are addicted to sex. Some of them get tired of having sex everyday with the same person and need to change. Others need more amount of sex each day so look for other men while their poor husbands are working. There were 102.690 divorces in Spain in two thousand ten. According to ABC newspaper, from three couples who get married, two get divorced. The number of marriages in Spain has decreased around 3.5% and birth rate 5%. The main reason is because of this awful economic crisis. Taking into account that in any marriage man is who must pay most expenses, many Spanish young prefer to live as a single. Young Spanish men can’t afford the typical marriage expenses ( around one thousand per month living without having children ) so they decide to stay at their parents house for ever. Another reason could be that increasingly they realise most women are prostitutes who will try to take their money and possesions away and tear up their heart. That is why they don’t trust anyone and just live as a single, having sporadic intercourse with prostitutes at nights clubs to enjoy from time to time. They prefer this lifestyle. They are not engaged, they have not any expense and they enjoy sex with a kind of prostitutes who never will say they are waiting a child from themselves or these women will never be in the right of asking for the middle of the savings of that man. Is nice what catholic church says about marriage. You must fall in love with a woman who is in love with you as well. You both must get married and make a family having sex just in order to have children. You must have a lot of children and live all together for ever. At this time, at least in this country, I am sorry to say that is completely impossible. Do you think this situation will change someday? Women will change someday as a person? There will be unemployment for ever in this country? Write your comments just right down.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I am going to talk about AIDS. This disease attack our immune system, which is crucial for our survival. In fact, this disease causes death. This disease is communicable, that is, an infected person may spread it to others. The mains contact channels are blood, sperm, and vaginal flow. Many people think saliva, sweat or even breath also are contact channels to spread HIV. It is not true. However through kisses people could get infected if they have sores or wounds on their lips or tongues. Most risk sexual activities are vaginal penetration, anal penetration and oral sex.

The key to protect yourself against AIDS is the condon. It is not 100% safe but actually it is very effective in penetration intercourses. It must be correctly placed and it must be in perfect conditions. Anyway accidentes can happen. For example it can be broken or get stuck inside. Why young people don’t use condoms? According an interesting book that I have recently read called “communication about communicable diseases” writen by Linda K. Fuller, there are varius reasons. First young people say that the condon spoils romanticism. They are in love and want to enjoy the moment as best as they can. Condon obviously is a kind of obstacle to achieve that. Another reason is the role adopted by some women. Any woman fears to be labeled as a “bitch” . This is a major concern for her. That is why they adopt a role of a formal woman who barely has had sex. Some of them even show themselves as if they were virgins. If they would ask their partners to put a condom, they could think that they are not neither virgins or formal women, so finally they don’t dare to ask to their partners putting any condon. Other reason is lack of information. Many people think that a person who looks healthy or athletic can not be infected, so they accept having sex with him/her without condon. Many infected people can look healthy because virus has not been developed yet. Another fact is alcohol. Many young people in weekends have sex being drunk. As they are drunk don’t think about the risk of engaging in such dangerous activity of have sex with an unknown person without protection.

More than one thousand people dye each year in Spain because of this disease. Sometimes is difficult to understand how is possible after this data, some people say condons must not be used. Spain is a country with a high sexual activity according several studies. Spanish culture is rather ignorant and maybe this is the focus of the problem. Students should receive more conferences about AIDS in order to have a righ knowledge about this disease. Parents also should educate them as they are teenagers. And of course themselves should be interested in reading about it. What is clear is TV industry, Music industry and Movies industry are selling us sex all the time. These industries have realised sex gives them many money. What they should know is that such policy fosters promiscuity among people. In any case the main responsible always are yourself. Remember that famous sentence: “one minute of pleasure, all your life ruined” . Be responsible for your acts and take into account that an intercourse could cause you many problems if you practice it wrongly. Know that person as best as you can and as you are sure he/she is worht, go ahead.

That is all. I will write more about this topic in the future. As always thank your for your attention. Goodbye !!!